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单词 speech
释义 speech[spi:tʃ]n. 演讲, 说话, 谈话, 言语, 引语, 民族语言【医】 言语, 语言 speech  speech  AHD:  [sp¶ch] D.J.  [spi8t.]K.K.  [spit.]n.(名词)1. The faculty or act of speaking.语言能力:说话的能力或行为2. The faculty or act of expressing or describing thoughts, feelings, or perceptions by the articulation of words.表达能力:用连续的字词表达或描述思想、情感或知觉的能力3. Something spoken; an utterance.说出的话;言语4. Vocal communication; conversation.说话;谈话5. A talk or public address:演讲:发言或公开演说:“The best impromptu speeches are the ones written well in advance”(&b{Ruth Gordon})“最佳的即兴演讲是事先写好了稿子的演讲”(露丝·戈登)6. A printed copy of such an address.打印出的演讲稿7. One's habitual manner or style of speaking.习惯的说话方式或风格8. The language or dialect of a nation or region:民族语言,地方方言:American speech.美国语9. The sounding of a musical instrument.乐器的发声10. The study of oral communication, speech sounds, and vocal physiology.言语学:对口头交流、说话声音及发声机能的研究11. Archaic Rumor.【古语】 谣言,传闻语源:1. Middle English speche 中古英语 speche 2. from Old English spr&9{Æc, sp&9{Æ}c} 源自 古英语 spr&9{Æc, sp&9{Æ}c}




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