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单词 speed
释义 speed[spi:d]n. 速率, 速度, 迅速vi. 加速, 超速, 快进vt. 快速传送, 促进, 使加速【计】 中央处理机速度设置程序【化】 速率【医】 速率, 速度相关词组:at railway speedat full speedspeed up speed  speed  AHD:  [sp¶d] D.J.  [spi8d]K.K.  [spid]n.(名词)1. Physics The rate or a measure of the rate of motion, especially:【物理学】 速率:运动的速率或限度,尤指:2. Distance traveled divided by the time of travel.平均速度:运动距离除以运动时间所得之结果3. The limit of this quotient as the time of travel becomes vanishingly small; the first derivative of distance with respect to time.瞬时速度:当运动时间小到可以忽略时,此商数的极值;距离相对于时间的一阶导函数4. The magnitude of a velocity.速度的最大值5. Swiftness of action.快速,迅速6. The act of moving rapidly.快速的行动7. The state of being in rapid motion; rapidity.迅速:快速运动的状态;快速8. A transmission gear or set of gears in a motor vehicle.汽车的变速装置9. A numerical expression of the sensitivity of a photographic film, plate, or paper to light.感光度:照相底片、底板或纸对光的敏感度的数字表示10. The capacity of a lens to accumulate light at an appropriate aperture.聚光率:透镜在合适的镜径下聚光的能力11. The length of time required or permitted for a camera shutter to open and admit light.暴光的时间:照相机快门打开并让光线进入所需的或能允许的时间长度12. Slang Amphetamine.【俚语】 安非他命13. Slang One that suits or appeals to a person's inclinations, skills, or character:【俚语】 嗜好,个性:适合某人的兴趣、技能或性格的东西:Living in a large city is not my speed.住在大城市里不是我所喜欢的14. Archaic Prosperity; luck.【古语】 繁荣;幸运v.(动词)  sped[spµd]  或 speed.ed,speeds及物动词)1. To cause to go, move, or proceed quickly; hasten.催促:使迅速离开、移动或前进;催促2. To increase the speed or rate of; accelerate:加快…的速度:增加速度或速率;加速:speed up a car; sped production.使汽车加速;加速生产3. To wish Godspeed to.祝某人一路平安4. To further, promote, or expedite (a legal action, for example).促进,增加,加快(如法律程序)5. Archaic To help to succeed or prosper; aid.【古语】 使成功,使繁荣:帮助…以使成功或繁荣昌盛;帮助v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To go, move, or proceed quickly:急行,赶快去:迅速地离开、移动或前进:sped to the rescue.迅速前去搭救2. To drive at a speed exceeding a legal limit:超速驾驶:以超过法定极限的速度驾车:was speeding on the freeway.在高速公路超速行驶3. To pass quickly:快速越过:The days sped by. The months have sped along.一天又一天飞逝而过。一月又一月急驰而过4. To move, work, or happen at a faster rate; accelerate:变快:以更快的速度移动、工作或发生;加速:His pulse speeded up.他的心跳加速了5. Archaic 【古语】 6. To prove successful; prosper.成功;繁荣昌盛7. To get along in a specified manner; fare.进展:顺利按特定方式进行;进展习惯用语:up to speed  1. Operating at maximum speed.以最快的速度运行2. Producing something or performing at an acceptable rate or level.以合适的速度或标准生产某物或执行某事3. Informal Fully informed of or conversant with:【非正式用语】 悉知的,熟悉的:I'm not up to speed on these issues yet.我对这些事情还不熟悉语源:1. Middle English spede 中古英语 spede 2. from Old English sp¶d [success, swiftness] * see  sp¶- 源自 古英语 sp¶d [成功,迅速] *参见 sp¶- 参考词汇:1. speed,hurry,hasten,quicken,accelerate,precipitate2. These verbs mean to proceed or cause to proceed rapidly or more rapidly.这些动词都表示使迅速或更加迅速地进行。3. Speed   refers to swift motion or action: Speed  指快速的运动或行动: Postal workers labored overtime to speed delivery of the Christmas mail.邮电工人加班加点以加速圣诞期间信件的发送。4. Hurry   implies a markedly faster rate than usual,often with concomitant confusion or commotion: Hurry  意指比通常快得多的速度,经常伴随着混乱或骚动: Don't let anyone hurry you into making a decision you'll regret later.不要在任何人的催促下匆促作出你以后会为之后悔的决定。5. Hasten   suggests urgency and often eager or rash swiftness: Hasten  有紧急之意,经常表示因焦急或草率而快速: Put the hot broth in the refrigerator for an hour to hasten cooling.把肉汁在冰箱中放一小时以加快冷却。6. Quicken   and especiallyaccelerate  refer to increase in rate of activity, growth, or progress:  Quicken  ,特别是accelerate 是指增加活动、成长或进步的速度:  Heat greatly accelerates the deterioration of perishable foods.热量会大大加快易腐食品的腐烂。7. Precipitate   implies suddenness or impetuousness that often causes something to happen abruptly or prematurely: Precipitate  表示通常引起某事突然地或在时机未成熟时发生的突然性或匆促性: The mere mention of the issue precipitated an outburst of indignation during the meeting. See also Synonyms at  &b{haste} 会议上刚一提到这件事就引发了一阵愤怒 参见同义词 haste注释:The fable of the tortoise and the hare teaches us that speed does not always spell success.Historically in English, however, it does:the Old English wordsp¶d,  from which our word speed  is descended, originally meant “prosperity, successful outcome, ability, or quickness.” A corresponding verb,sp¶dan,  in Modern English the verbspeed,  meant “to succeed, prosper, or achieve a goal”; and an adjective,sp¶dig,  the ancestor of our word speedy,  meant “wealthy, powerful.” Except for archaic usesthe words today relate only to the general sense of “velocity.”The meaning “success” is retained chiefly in the compoundGodspeed,  a noun formed from the phrase meaning “God prosper you.”乌龟与兔子这则寓言故事告诉我们速度并不总意味着成功。然而在英语的历史中,速度就意味着成功:speed 这个词来自古英语单词 sp¶d , 原意为“繁荣昌盛,成功的结果,能力或速度”。与之相应的动词spedan , 即现代英语中speed 一词,意为“取得成功,繁荣昌盛或实现一目标”; speedy 的前身,形容词 sp¶dig ,则表示“富有的,有力的”。 除了其古代用法,这些词今天只和“速度”这一一般意义有关。“成功”之意主要保留于Godspeed (成功、幸运、天惠) 这个词中, 这是一个来自词组“祝你成功”的一个名词




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