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单词 sphere
释义 sphere[sfiə]n. 球, 球面, 球体, 天体, 地球仪, 范围vt. 包围, 使成球体, 放入球内【化】 球罐; 球形油罐; 球体【医】 球; 范围, 领域, 界 sphere  sphere  AHD:  [sf¹r] D.J.  [sf!r]K.K.  [sf!r]n.(名词)1. Mathematics A three-dimensional surface, all points of which are equidistant from a fixed point.【数学】 球面:一个三维空间表面上所有点都与该空间的中心点距离相等2. A spherical object or figure.球体,球形3. A celestial body, such as a planet or star.天体,如行星或恒星4. The sky, appearing as a hemisphere to an observer:天球,观察者所望见的呈半球形的天空:the sphere of the heavens.天球5. Any of a series of concentric, transparent, revolving globes that together were once thought to contain the moon, sun, planets, and stars.一系列同心旋转的透明球体之一,合起来曾被认为包括月亮、太阳、行星及恒星6. The extent of a person's knowledge, interests, or social position.范围,地位:一个人的知识范围、兴趣范围或社会地位7. An area of power, control, or influence; domain.See Synonyms at field 势力范围:权力、控制力或影响力的范围;领域参见及物动词)  sphered,,spheres 1. To form into a sphere.形成球体2. To put in or within a sphere.置于球面内部3. To surround or encompass.包围,围绕语源:1. Middle English spere 中古英语 spere 2. from Old French espere 源自 古法语 espere 3. from Latin sphaera 源自 拉丁语 sphaera 4. from Greek sphaira 源自 希腊语 sphaira 继承用法:spheric“ity  AHD:  [sfî-r¹s“¹-t¶] (名词)




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