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单词 spiral
释义 spiral['spairəl]n. 螺旋形之物, 螺线a. 螺旋形的, 盘旋的vi. 螺旋形下降, 螺旋形上升, 螺旋形行进vt. 使螺旋形行进【医】 螺旋状的; 螺旋【经】 连锁反应 spiral  spi.ral  AHD:  [spº“r…l] D.J.  [6spa!*r*l]K.K.  [6spa!r*l]n.(名词)1. A curve on a plane that winds around a fixed center point at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance from the point.螺线:平面上逐渐远离或靠近一固定中心点时不断回旋的曲线2. A three-dimensional curve that turns around an axis at a constant or continuously varying distance while moving parallel to the axis; a helix.螺旋:当螺旋浆沿轴转动时,形成的以等距离或不断变化之距离绕轴转动的三维曲线3. Something having the form of such a curve:螺旋形的东西:a spiral of black smoke.螺旋形的黑烟4. Printing A spiral binding.【印刷术】 螺旋形装订5. The course or flight path of an object rotating on its longitudinal axis.螺旋形路线盘旋绕其竖直轴旋转的物体的路线或飞行路径6. A continuously accelerating increase or decrease:不断地急剧上升或下降:the wage-price spiral.工资-物价的螺旋形上涨adj.(形容词)1. Of or resembling a spiral.螺线的,螺线似的2. Circling around a center at a continuously increasing or decreasing distance.螺旋的:绕一中心作逐渐靠近或远离的旋绕的3. Coiling around an axis in a constantly changing series of planes; helical.绕线轴的:围绕一轴不断盘旋上升的;螺形的4. Printing Relating to or having a spiral binding:【印刷术】 螺旋装订的,与螺旋装订有关的:a spiral notebook.螺旋形活页簿v.(动词)  spi.raled 也作 spi.ralled spi.ral.ling spi.rals spi.rals  v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To take a spiral form or course.用螺旋形形式或路径2. To rise or fall with steady acceleration.平稳地加速上升或下降及物动词)To cause to take a spiral form or course.使…用螺旋形形式或路径语源:1. Medieval Latin sp&9{ºr³lis} [of a spiral] 中世纪拉丁语 sp&9{ºr³lis} [螺线的,螺旋的] 2. from Latin sp&9{ºra} [coil] * see  spire 2源自 拉丁语 sp&9{ºra} [围绕] *参见 spire2继承用法:spiral“ity  AHD:  [spº-r²l“¹-t¶] (名词)spi“rally  adv.(副词)




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