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单词 sponge
释义 sponge[spʌndʒ]n. 海绵, 海绵状的东西vt. 用海绵擦拭, 吸收掉, 抹掉vi. 采集海绵, 海绵般吸收【化】 海绵; 海绵动物; 海绵状物【医】 海绵相关词组:chuck in the spongethrow in the spongetoss in the spongepass the sponge overthrow up the spongetoss up the spongechuck up the sponge sponge  sponge  AHD:  [sp¾nj] D.J.  [spJnd9]K.K.  [spJnd9]n.(名词)1. Any of numerous aquatic, chiefly marine invertebrate animals of the phylum Porifera, characteristically having a porous skeleton composed of fibrous material or siliceous or calcareous spicules and often forming irregularly shaped colonies attached to an underwater surface.海绵:一种水栖的海绵纲的无脊椎海生动物,其特征是具有同纤维物质或硅质或钙的针状物组成的多骨架,通常形成不规则的簇丛,贴在海底地面2. The light, fibrous, flexible, absorbent skeleton of certain of these organisms, used for bathing, cleaning, and other purposes.海绵体:轻的、纤维质的、弹性的、一定组织组成吸收性种结构,用于洗澡、清洁或其它目的3. Porous plastics, rubber, cellulose, or other material, similar in absorbency to this skeleton and used for the same purposes.人造海绵:多孔的塑料、橡胶、纤维质或其他物质,与海绵体的吸收性能相近,用于同等用途4. A gauze pad used to absorb blood and other fluids, as in surgery or the dressing of a wound.纱布:用于吸血和其他流体透明的纱布块,用于外科和包扎伤口5. A small absorbent contraceptive pad that contains a spermicide and is placed against the cervix of the uterus before sexual intercourse.杀精避孕套:包含杀精剂的避孕套,用于性交前放入子宫颈6. Dough that has been or is being leavened.生面团或正在发酵的面团7. A light cake, such as sponge cake.布丁:一种轻的糕点,如海绵蛋糕8. A sponge bath.用海绵擦洗9. One who habitually depends on others for one's own maintenance.依附他人者:为了自己的生存而习惯于依靠其他人的人10. Informal A glutton.【非正式用语】 贪吃者11. Slang A drunkard.【俚语】 醉汉:大量饮酒之人v.(动词)  sponged,,及物动词)1. To moisten, wipe, or clean with or as if with a sponge:擦拭:用或似用海绵擦、揩或使干净:sponge off the table.用海绵擦桌子2. To wipe out; erase.擦掉;揩去3. To absorb with or as if with a sponge:吸收:用或似用海绵吸收:sponge up the mess.擦掉污迹4. Informal To obtain free:【非正式用语】 获得自由:sponge a meal.饱餐一顿v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To fish for sponges.钩:用钩捞取海绵2. Informal To live by relying on the generosity of others:【非正式用语】 依靠他人慷慨而生存的人:sponged off her parents.不依赖父母语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English 源自 古英语 3. from Latin spongia 源自 拉丁语 spongia 4. from Greek 源自 希腊语 5. from spongos 源自 spongos




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