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单词 spotter
释义 spotter['spɒtə]n. 私家侦探, 着弹点观察员【法】 私家侦探, 秘密监视人 spotter  spot.ter  AHD:  [sp¼t“…r] D.J.  [6spKt*]K.K.  [6sp$t+]n.(名词)1. One that applies spots.应用标记之人2. One that looks for, locates, and reports something, as:观察员,监视人:寻找、定位并报告某事的人,如3. A military or civil defense lookout.军事或民事防御演习4. Informal A person hired to detect dishonest acts by employees, as in a bank.【非正式用语】 监督人:被雇佣来监视雇员行为是否诚实的人,如在银行里5. Sports 【体育运动】 6. One who identifies players on the field, as for a radio or television announcer.解说员:为广播员或电视解说人辩识场上的运动员的人7. One who is responsible for watching and guarding a performer during practice to prevent injury, as in gymnastics or water-skiing.监护员:负责观察和警告演练者防止受伤,如在体操和滑水中8. One employed by a dry cleaner to remove spots.去除污渍的人:被雇用使用干燥清洁器去除污渍的人




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