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单词 spruce
释义 spruce[spru:s]n. 云杉a. 颇为干净的, 俏的, 整洁的vt. (使)显干净, 打扮整齐vi. (使)显干净, 打扮整齐【医】 云杉属植物 spruce 1  spruce 1  AHD:  [spr›s] D.J.  [spru8s]K.K.  [sprus]n.(名词)1. Any of various coniferous evergreen trees of the genusPicea,  having needlelike foliage, drooping cones, and soft wood often used for paper pulp. 云杉:松柏科四季常绿树云杉 有针状叶、下垂结球果和通常用于纸桨的软木 2. Any of various similar or related trees.云杉有关的树3. The wood of any of these trees.云杉质木材:此类树的木材4. Color A grayish green to dark greenish black.【色彩】 灰绿色或黑绿色语源:1. Short for obsolete Spruce fir [Prussian fir] 废语 Spruce fir的简写 [普鲁士冷杉] 2. from Middle English spruce [Prussia] 源自 中古英语 spruce [普鲁士] 3. alteration of Pruce 普鲁斯 4. from Anglo-Norman Pruz 源自 英法语 Pruz 5. from Medieval Latin Prussia 源自 中世纪拉丁语 普鲁士  spruce 2  spruce 2  AHD:  [spr›s] D.J.  [spru8s]K.K.  [sprus]adj.(形容词),spruc.est Neat, trim, and smart in appearance.See Synonyms at neat 1整洁漂亮的:整洁 ,整齐,漂亮的外表参见 neat1v.(动词)  spruced,,及物动词)To make neat and trim:把…打扮得漂亮:spruced up the chairs with new slipcovers.用新围布把椅子装扮漂亮v.intr.(不及物动词)To make oneself neat and smart in appearance:把自己打扮得整洁漂亮:He was sprucing for the school dance.他正在为参加学校舞会把自己打扮得整洁漂亮语源:1. Perhaps from obsolete spruce leather [Prussian leather] 可能源自 废语 spruce leather [普鲁士皮革] 2. from Middle English spruce [Prussia] * see  spruce 1源自 中古英语 云杉 [普鲁士] *参见 spruce1继承用法:spruce“ly  adv.(副词)spruce“ness  n.(名词)




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