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单词 squat
释义 squat[skwɒt]n. 蹲, 窝a. 蹲着的, 矮胖的vi. 蹲下, 蹲坐, 蹲伏vt. 使蹲下, 擅自占有 squat  squat  AHD:  [skw¼t] D.J.  [skwKt]K.K.  [skw$t]v.(动词)  squat.ted,squat.ting,squats v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To sit in a crouching position with knees bent and the hams resting on or near the heels.蹲:弯着膝蹲坐,臀部贴着或接近脚跟2. To crouch down, as an animal does.蹲伏,象动物那样3. To settle on unoccupied land without legal claim.擅自占用土地:未经法律允许而在空地上拓居4. To occupy a given piece of public land in order to acquire title to it.依法在政府公地上地定居:依法在政府公地上定居以获得对该地的所有权及物动词)1. To put (oneself) into a crouching posture.使(自己)成蹲伏姿势2. To occupy as a squatter.擅自占用adj.(形容词)  squat.ter,squat.test 1. Short and thick; low and broad.短而厚的;低矮而宽的2. Crouched in a squatting position.象蹲伏姿势一样蹲着的n.(名词)1. The act of squatting.蹲坐:蹲坐的动作2. A squatting or crouching posture.蹲或蹲伏的姿势3. Sports A lift or a weightlifting exercise in which one squats and stands while holding a weighted barbell supported by the back of the shoulders.【体育运动】 蹲举式举重:一种抬升或举重运动,举重者用肩膀的后部扛着杠铃蹲下和站起4. The place occupied by a squatter.擅自占用的土地5. The lair of an animal such as a hare.动物,如野兔的窝语源:1. Middle English squatten 中古英语 squatten 2. from Old French esquatir [to crush] 源自 古法语 esquatir [压碎] 3. es- [intensive pref.]  from Latin ex- * see  ex- es- [前缀,加强语意]  源自 拉丁语 ex- *参见 ex-4. quatir [to press flat]  from Vulgar Latin *co³ct&9{ºre}  from Latin co³ctus [past participle of] c½gere [to compress]  co- [co-]  agere [to drive] * see  ag- quatir [压平整]  源自 俗拉丁语 *co³ct&9{ºre}  源自 拉丁语 co³ctus  [] c½gere的过去分词 [挤压]  co- [前缀,表示“一起,共同地”]  agere [驱赶,开车] *参见 ag- 继承用法:squat“ter  n.(名词)




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