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单词 Sri Lanka
释义 Sri Lanka[sri'læŋkə]斯里兰卡 Sri Lanka  Sri Lan.ka  AHD:  [sr¶ läng“k…]  Formerly Cey.lon[s¹-l¼n“, s³-] D.J.  [sri8 6l$80k*] Formerly Cey.lon[s!6lKn, se!-]K.K.  [sri 6l$0k*] Formerly Cey.lon[s!6l$n, se-]NONE(无词性)An island country in the Indian Ocean off southeast India. Inhabited from ancient times, the island attracted Arab, Portuguese, Dutch, and British traders for its wealth of spices. It became a British colony in 1798 and achieved independence in 1948. Colombo is the capital and the largest city. Population, 14,848,364.斯里兰卡,锡兰:印度东南面的一个印度洋岛国,古代就有人居住,由于盛产香料,它吸引了来自阿拉伯,葡萄牙,荷兰和英国的商人们1798年成为英国殖民地,1948年获得独立科伦坡是其首都和最大的城市。人口14,848,364继承用法:Sri Lan“kan  n.(名词)adj.(形容词)




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