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单词 stab
释义 stab[stæb]n. 刺, 戳, 剧痛, 尝试, 努力vt. 刺, 戳, 刺入, 刺痛, 直入, 使伤心vi. 刺, 刺伤【医】 刺; 杆相关词组:stab at sbhave a stab on sthmake a stab at stha stab in the back stab  stab  AHD:  [st²b] D.J.  [st#b]K.K.  [st#b]v.(动词)  stabbed,,stabs及物动词)1. To pierce or wound with or as if with a pointed weapon.刺:用或似用带尖的武器刺穿或刺伤2. To plunge (a pointed weapon or instrument) into something.将…刺入:把(带尖的武器或者工具)刺入某物3. To make a thrusting or poking motion at or into:对…做出刺或戳的动作:stabbed the air with his fingers.他用手指刺空气v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To thrust with or as if with a pointed weapon:用或似用带尖的武器刺:stabbed at the food with her fork.用她的叉子扎食物2. To inflict a wound with or as if with a pointed weapon.用或似用带尖的武器刺伤n.(名词)1. A thrust with a pointed weapon or instrument.刺:用带尖的武器或工具进行的刺2. A wound inflicted with or as if with a pointed weapon.用或似用带尖武器刺的伤口3. A sudden piercing pain.忽然的钻心般的剧痛4. An attempt; a try:企图;尝试:made a stab at the answer.尝试回答习惯用语:stab (someone) in the back  To harm (someone) by treachery or betrayal of trust.背叛(某人)或辜负其信任语源:Middle English stabben 中古英语 stabben 继承用法:stab“ber  n.(名词)




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