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单词 stale
释义 stale[steil]n. 尿a. 不新鲜的, 陈腐的, 疲惫的, 陈旧的vt. 使变旧, 走味vi. 变陈旧, 走味, 失时效, 撒尿【经】 失时效的, 停滞的 stale 1  stale 1  AHD:  [st³l] D.J.  [ste!l]K.K.  [stel]adj.(形容词),stal.est 1. Having lost freshness, effervescence, or palatability:变味的:不新鲜、走了气的或者走味的:stale bread; stale air.变味的面包;不新鲜的空气2. Lacking originality or spontaneity:陈腐的;没有新意的:a stale joke.See Synonyms at &b{trite} 一个老掉牙的玩笑参见 trite3. Impaired in efficacy, vigor, or spirit, as from inactivity or boredom.不活泼的:由于不活动或者烦躁而没有效率、没劲或没精神4. Law Having lost effectiveness or force through lack of exercise or action.【法律】 失去效力的:由于不实施或者不行动而失去效力语源:1. Middle English [settled, clear: used of beer or wine] 中古英语 [确定的;清澈的;用于啤酒或白酒] 2. probably from Old French estale [slack, settled, clear] 可能源自 古法语 estale [松散的、确定的、清楚的] 3. from estaler [to come to a standstill, halt] 源自 estaler [静止不动,停止] 4. from estal [standing place, stand] 源自 estal [站立的地方,站立] 5. [of Germanic origin] * see  stel- [源于德国语] *参见 stel- 继承用法:v.(动词)stale“ly  adv.(副词)stale“ness  n.(名词) stale 2  stale 2  AHD:  [st³l] D.J.  [ste!l]K.K.  [stel]v.intr.(不及物动词)  staled,,stales To urinate. Used especially of horses and camels.撒尿:撒尿,特别是指马和骆驼撒尿n.(名词)The urine of certain animals, especially horses and camels.尿:某些动物的尿,尤指马和骆驼语源:1. Middle English stalen 中古英语 stalen 2. [possibly of Low German origin] ; akin to  Middle Low German stallen [可能源于低地德语] ;类似于  中古低地德语 stallen




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