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单词 stampede
释义 stampede[stæm'pi:d]vt. (使)惊跑, (使)蜂拥vi. (使)惊跑, (使)蜂拥n. 惊跑, 蜂拥【法】 逃窜, 使冲动行事, 使一下倒向某候选人 stampede  stam.pede  AHD:  [st²m-p¶d“] D.J.  [st#m6pi8d]K.K.  [st#m6pid]n.(名词)1. A sudden frenzied rush of panic-stricken animals.惊逃:受惊吓的动物突然狂奔2. A sudden headlong rush or flight of a crowd of people.逃窜,一哄而散:人群突然猛冲或飞奔3. A mass impulsive action:蜂拥:a stampede of support for the candidate.纷纷支持那个侯选人v.(动词)  stam.ped.ed,,stam.pedes及物动词)1. To cause (a herd of animals) to flee in panic.使(动物)惊逃:使(一群动物)惊慌逃窜2. To cause (a crowd of people) to act on mass impulse.使(人群)涌向:使(一群人)蜂拥行动v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To flee in a headlong rush.逃窜:猛冲地逃离2. To act on mass impulse.涌向:蜂拥而至语源:1. Spanish estampida [uproar, stampede] 西班牙语 estampida [吼叫,惊跑] 2. from Provençal 源自 普罗旺斯语 3. from estampir [to stamp] 源自 estampir [踏] 4. [of Germanic origin] [起源于德语] 继承用法:stamped“er  n.(名词)注释:The Spanish wordestampida,  meaning “explosion, bang, crash, uproar,” seems very fitting to describe a rush of animals, such as buffaloes, horses, or cattle,and was so used first in American Spanish.From this use came our wordstampede   (actually from the Spanishestampido,  a masculine noun corresponding to the feminine estampida,  first recorded in 1828). Thusstampede,  now a general English word, is an Americanism, that is, a word or expression that originated in the United States.Later the United States was to see stampedes of miners who rushed westward to find gold.Not surprisingly, an early instance of this word to describe a stampede of human beings is found in theSan Francisco Herald  in 1851. 西班牙语estampida 的意思是“爆炸,巨响,击碎,吼叫”, 似乎很适合形容兽群如野牛、马群或牛的惊跑,并且首先被使用于美国西班牙语中。由此就出现了我们的stampede   (事实上源于与西班牙语estampida 相对应的 estampido ,于1828年首次被记录下来)。 因此,stampede ,一个目前很普遍的英语词,是一种美国英语, 也就是说来源于美国的一个单词或词组。后来,美国目睹了成千上万向西淘金的人群。1851年在旧金山的先驱 中出现了形容大批人群蜂拥而至的这个字就不足为怪了




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