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单词 stare
释义 stare[stєə]vi. 注视, 凝视, 瞪视, 显眼vt. 盯n. 凝视【医】 凝视, 注视相关词组:stare sb outstare sb out of countenancewith a blank starewith a empty starewith a vacant starewith a stare of horrorwith a stare of astonishmentgive sb a rude staregive sb a frosty staremake sb starestare at sbstare into the distancestare with astonishmentstare sb up and downstare sb down stare  stare  AHD:  [stâr] D.J.  [ste*]K.K.  [stWr]v.(动词)  stared,,stares v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To look directly and fixedly, often with a wide-eyed gaze.See Synonyms at gaze 盯着看:直接或固定地看,常张大眼睛瞪视参见 gaze2. To be conspicuous; stand out.显眼:显眼的;明显的突出3. To stand on end; bristle, as hair or feathers.倒立;直竖起,如头发或羽毛及物动词)To look at directly and fixedly:凝视:直视盯着看:stared him in the eyes.盯着他的眼睛n.(名词)An intent gaze.凝视常用词组:stare down  To cause to waver or give in by or as if by staring.盯得局促不安:盯视或仿佛盯视而导致动摇或屈服习惯用语:stare (one) in the face  1. To be plainly visible or obvious; force itself on (one's) attention:就在眼前:明白可见的或显而易见;物就摆在面前:The money on the table was staring her in the face.钱就在桌上,摆在她面前2. To be obvious though initially overlooked:明明白白的:虽最初被忽视但显而易见:The explanation had been staring him in the face all along.这解释对他来说一直是明明白白的3. To be imminent or unavoidable:面临:紧急的或不可避免的:Bankruptcy now stares us in the face.我们现在面临破产语源:1. Middle English staren 中古英语 staren 2. from Old English starian * see  ster- 1源自 古英语 starian *参见 ster- 1继承用法:star“er  n.(名词)




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