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单词 start
释义 start[stɑ:t]n. 惊起, 出发, 开端, 起点, 吃惊, 有利条件vi. 开始, 出发, 启动, 跳起, 吃惊, 出现, 松动, 脱落, 起价, 参赛vt. 使惊起, 开动, 发动, 启动, 开始, 创办, 提议, 使松动, 使脱落, 起用【计】 起始【经】 开始, 开设, 创办相关词组:from start to finishget the start of sbstart after sbstart against sbstart asidestart backstart instart offstart onstart outstart somethingstart upto start withstart withstart to one's feetmake a good startmake a bad startget a good start in lifeat the very start start  start  AHD:  [stärt] D.J.  [st$8t]K.K.  [st$rt]v.(动词)  start.ed,,starts v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To begin an activity or a movement; set out.开始行动:开始一个活动成一个行动;出发2. To have a beginning; commence.See Synonyms at begin 开始:起头;开始参见 begin3. To move suddenly or involuntarily:惊起:突然或不自觉地跳起:started at the loud noise.被那响亮的吵闹声惊起4. To come quickly into view, life, or activity; spring forth.呈现:很快出地现在眼前、生活中或行动中;涌出5. Sports To be in the initial lineup of a game or race.【体育运动】 上场:处于比赛或赛跑的初始位置上6. To protrude or bulge.突出或鼓起7. To become loosened or disengaged.松动:变得松动或脱开及物动词)1. To commence; begin.开始2. To set into motion, operation, or activity.发动:使启动、进入运作运动或行动3. To introduce; originate.创始:引进;创办4. Sports 【体育运动】 5. To play in the initial lineup of (a game).比赛:参加(项目)的初始阵容6. To put (a player) into the initial lineup of a game.使初赛:使(选手)进入项目的初始队列7. To enter (a participant) into a race or game.使(参加者)参赛8. To found; establish:创立;建立:start a business.创立事业9. To tend in an early stage of development:扶植:在发展的初级阶段的照顾:start seedlings.育秧10. To rouse (game) from its hiding place or lair; flush.惊动:将猎物从藏身处或巢穴中惊起;使兴奋11. To cause to become displaced or loosened.使脱开或松动n.Abbr. st.(名词)缩写 st.1. A beginning; a commencement.开始:开始;开端2. The beginning of a new construction project:新建筑规划开工:a large number of new housing starts this year.大量新房今年开工3. A place or time of beginning.开始地点或开始时间4. Sports 【体育运动】 5. A starting line for a race.起跑线6. A signal to begin a race.起跑信号7. An instance of beginning a game or race:开局:一个项目或比赛开始的场合:a pitcher who won his first five starts.赢得头五局的投手8. A startled reaction or movement.惊跳:受到惊吓的反应或动作9. A part that has become dislocated or loosened.裂口,漏缝:脱开或松动的部分10. A position of advantage over others, as in a race or an endeavor; a lead.占先地位:在比赛中或相对别人的有利位置;上先地位11. An opportunity granted to pursue a career or course of action.有利时机:被许可求职或行动的机会习惯用语:start something【非正式用语】  To cause trouble.招致麻烦to start with  1. At the beginning; initially.开始;起先2. In any case.无论如何语源:1. Middle English sterten [to move or leap suddenly] 中古英语 sterten [突然移动或跳起] 2. from Old English *styrtan * see  ster- 1源自 古英语 *styrtan *参见 ster- 1




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