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单词 static
释义 static['stætik]n. 静电, 静电干扰a. 静态的, 静止的, 固有的, 静电的【医】 静止的, 静位的, 不动的; 静力的【经】 静态的 static  stat.ic  AHD:  [st²t“¹k] D.J.  [6st#t!k]K.K.  [6st#t!k]adj.(形容词)1. Having no motion; being at rest; quiescent.静态的:无动作的;静止的;静态的2. Fixed; stationary.固定的;不动的3. Physics Of or relating to bodies at rest or forces that balance each other.【物理学】 静止的:与静止物体有关的、平衡力或与平衡有关的4. Electricity Of, relating to, or producing stationary charges; electrostatic.【电学】 静电的:静电的、与静电有关的或产生静电的5. Of, relating to, or produced by random radio noise.有关无线电噪声的:无序无线电噪声或与之有关的、或由其产生的n.(名词)1. Random noise, such as crackling in a receiver or specks on a television screen, produced by atmospheric disturbance of the signal.随机噪声:随机噪声,如接收器中的碎啪声或电视屏幕上的光斑,是由信号的大气干扰造成的2. Informal 【非正式用语】 3. Back talk.无礼顶撞4. Interference; obstruction.干涉;阻碍5. Angry or heated criticism.抨击:愤怒激烈的批评语源:1. New Latin staticus [relating to weight] 现代拉丁语 staticus [与重量有关的] 2. from Greek statikos [causing to stand] 源自 希腊语 statikos [使立起] 3. from statos [standing] * see  st³- 源自 statos [直立的] *参见 st³- 继承用法:stat“ical  adj.(形容词)stat“ically  adv.(副词)




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