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单词 station
释义 station['steiʃən]n. 车站, 站, 局, 驻地, 位置, 身分, 地位vt. 安置, 配置, 驻扎【计】 站【化】 站; 岗位; 工段【医】 站, 所, 厂; 姿势 station  sta.tion  AHD:  [st³“sh…n] D.J.  [6ste!.*n]K.K.  [6ste.*n]n.Abbr. sta.(名词)缩写 sta.1. The place or position where a person or thing stands or is assigned to stand; a post:位置,岗位:人或物站立或被指定放置的地点或位置;岗位:a sentry station.哨位2. The place, building, or establishment from which a service is provided or operations are directed:站,所:提供服务或指挥运作的地方;建筑物:a police station.警察局3. A stopping place along a route, especially a stop for refueling or for taking on passengers; a depot.车站:沿一定路线停车的地方,尤指补充燃料或上乘客的停站;火车站4. Social position; rank.社会地位;等级5. An establishment equipped for observation and study:站,所:用在观察和做研究的建筑物:a radar station.雷达站6. An establishment equipped for radio or television transmission.台:用于广播和电视发送的建筑物7. An input or output point along a communications system.站:通讯系统的接收发送点8. Ecology 【生态学】 9. The normal habitat of a particular plant or animal community.产地:特定植物或动物群的通常栖息地10. The exact place of occurrence of a species or individual within a given habitat.出没地:某栖居地中的物种或个体出现的确切地点及物动词)  sta.tioned,,sta.tions To assign to a position; post.安置,派驻:派驻某位置;驻扎语源:1. Middle English stacioun 中古英语 stacioun 2. from Old French station 源自 古法语 station 3. from Latin stati½  stati½n- * see  st³- 源自 拉丁语 stati½  stati½n- *参见 st³-




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