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单词 stearin
释义 stearinn. 硬脂精, 硬脂【化】 硬脂酸甘油酯; 硬脂精【医】 硬脂 stearin  ste.a.rin  AHD:  [st¶“…r-¹n, stîr“¹n]  也作 ste.a.rine [st¶“…r-¹n, -…-r¶n”, stîr“¹n] D.J.  [6sti8*r!n, 6st!*r!n] 也作 ste.a.rine [6sti8*r!n, -*7ri8n, 6st!*r!n]K.K.  [6sti*r!n, 6st!r!n] 也作 ste.a.rine [6sti*!n, -*7rin, 6st!r!n]n.(名词)1. A colorless, odorless, tasteless ester of glycerol and stearic acid, C3H 5(C 18H 35O 2) 3, found in most animal and vegetable fats and used in the manufacture of soaps, candles, and adhesives and for textile sizing. Also called  tristearin 硬脂酸甘油:一种无色无味的硬脂酸和甘油的酯,C3H 5(C 18H 35O 2) 3,见于大多数动植物脂肪中,用作制肥皂、蜡烛和粘结剂和纺织品上浆 也作  tristearin2. The solid form of fat.硬脂:脂肪的固体部分语源:1. French stéarine 法语 stéarine 2. Greek stear [tallow] * see  stei- 希腊语 stear [油脂] *参见 stei- 3. French -ine [-in] 法语 -ine [成分]




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