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单词 sterile
释义 sterile['sterail]a. 不毛的, 不孕的, 无菌的, 贫瘠的, 无效的, 枯燥的【医】 无菌的, 消毒的; 不育的 sterile  ster.ile  AHD:  [stµr“…l, -ºl”] D.J.  [6ster*l, -7a!l]K.K.  [6stWr*l, -7a!l]adj.(形容词)1. Not producing or incapable of producing offspring.不生育的:不生育或无生育能力的2. Not producing or incapable of producing seed, fruit spores, or other reproductive structures. Used of plants or their parts.不结果的:不产生或不能产生种子、果实孢子或其它繁殖结构的。用于植物或其部分3. Producing little or no vegetation; unfruitful:贫瘠的:不产生或产生极少植被的;不结果实的:sterile land.贫瘠的土地4. Free from live bacteria or other microorganisms:无菌的:没有活菌或其它微生物的:a sterile operating area; sterile instruments.无菌手术区;无菌器材5. Lacking imagination, creativity, or vitality.枯燥无味的:缺少想象力、创造力或生气的6. Lacking the power to function; not productive or effective; fruitless:无结果的:没有运行能力的;无结果的或影响力的;无成果的:a sterile discussion.无结果的讨论语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin sterilis 源自 拉丁语 sterilis 继承用法:ster“ilely  adv.(副词)ster“ileness  或  steril“ity  AHD:  [st…-r¹l“¹-t¶] (名词)参考词汇:1. sterile,infertile,barren,unfruitful,impotent2. These adjectives in literal usage mean not producing or unable to produce offspring; figuratively they suggest a lack of productiveness.To besterile  is to be incapable of reproducing; by extension the term implies a lack of vitality, creativity, or effectiveness: 这些形容词字面意义是不育的或无能力生育的;比喻意义为不具备多产性的。Sterile 指无繁殖能力的, 其扩充涵义为缺乏生气、创造性或影响力的: sterile pleasures.枯燥的娱乐。3. Infertile   is synonymous withsterile :  Infertile  是Sterile 的同义词:  an infertile imagination.缺乏创新的想象力。4. Barren   especially describes one who has tried and failed to have children;it can also apply to what is devoid of profit, interest, or enjoyment: Barren  尤指尝试过但不能生育孩子的人;也可用于指没有利益、兴趣或快乐的东西: barren praise.不真心的赞赏。5. Unfruitful   literally means not bearing fruit or offspringand figuratively means not having a useful result: Unfruitful  字面意思为不结果实或生育的,比喻意义为没有一个有用结果的: an unfruitful discussion.没有结果的讨论。6. Impotent   specifies the inability of a male to engage in sexual intercourse;in a general sense it implies powerlessness: Impotent  具体指男性不能过性生活的;广义上意味着无能力的: impotent rage. 无奈的气愤




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