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单词 backstop
释义 backstop['bækstɒp]n. 挡球网, 接球手【电】 背向停止 backstop  back.stop  AHD:  [b²k“st¼p”] D.J.  [6b#k7stKp]K.K.  [6b#k7st$p]n.(名词)1. Sports A screen or fence used to prevent a ball from being thrown or hit far out of a playing area, as in baseball.【体育运动】 场后围栏:用于阻止球被投出或打出比赛场地的一种屏障或栅栏,如在棒球比赛中2. Baseball A catcher.【棒球】 棒球捕手3. Something that supports or bolsters.托架:支撑或加强的东西及物动词)  back.stopped,,back.stops 1. To serve as a backstop for.止住:为…用作阻挡物2. To support or bolster:支持或援助:“The firm lacks a topflight strategic-consulting arm to backstop its technology gurus”(&b{Alex Beam})“这个公司缺少一流的战略协商助手来支持它的技术权威”(亚历克斯·比姆)3. To substitute for (another) in an emergency.替代:在紧急情况中替代(另一个)




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