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单词 stone
释义 stone[stəun]n. 石头, 宝石, 果核, 纪念碑, 结石vt. 投扔石子, 铺石头a. 石的, 石制的, 完全的【医】 石, 结石相关词组:leave no stone unturned stone  stone  AHD:  [st½n] D.J.  [st*&n]K.K.  [ston]n.(名词)1. Concreted earthy or mineral matter; rock.石头:混凝土或矿物质;岩石2. Such concreted matter of a particular type. Often used in combination:石料:一种特殊类型的这种凝聚物常用在复合词中:sandstone; soapstone.砂岩;皂石3. A small piece of rock.一小块岩石4. Rock or a piece of rock shaped or finished for a particular purpose, especially:建筑用石:为某一特殊目的而加工或制做的岩石或岩石小块,尤指:5. A piece of rock that is used in construction:建筑石:用于建筑的一块岩石:a coping stone; a paving stone.一块墙压项石;一块铺路石6. A gravestone or tombstone.墓石或碑石7. A grindstone, millstone, or whetstone.磨石,磨盘或油石8. A milestone or boundary.里程碑或界石9. A gem or precious stone.宝石:宝石或珍贵的石头10. Something, such as a hailstone, resembling a stone in shape or hardness.雹:在形状上或硬度上与石头相像之物,如雹块11. Botany The hard covering enclosing the seed in certain fruits, such as the cherry, plum, or peach.【植物学】 水果的硬核:在某些果实内的核外面包着的硬壳,如樱桃、李子或桃核12. Pathology A mineral concretion in an organ, such as the kidney or gallbladder, or other body part; a calculus.【病理学】 结石:在一器官如肾脏或膀胱处或身体其他部位的矿物质凝聚13. pl. stone Abbr. st.A unit of weight in Great Britain, 14 pounds (6.4 kilograms).【复数】 stone 缩写 st.英石:英国重量单位,等于14磅(6.4公斤)14. Printing A table with a smooth surface on which page forms are composed.【印刷术】 排板用石台:具有光滑表面的石板,用于纸张印板排字adj.(形容词)1. Relating to or made of stone:石的:与石头有关或用石头制成的:a stone wall.石墙2. Made of stoneware or earthenware.石制的:用粗陶器或陶器制成的adv.(副词)Used as an intensive. Often used in combination:用作强调成份常用于复合词中:stone cold; standing stone still.彻骨之寒;纹丝不动地站着及物动词)  stoned,,stones 1. To hurl or throw stones at, especially to kill with stones.向…投掷石头:向…用力抛或扔石头,尤指用石头杀死人2. To remove the stones or pits from.移去石头:从…中移走石头或矿井3. To furnish, fit, pave, or line with stones.铺石头:用石头装饰,挤塞,铺筑或定界4. To rub on or with a stone in order to polish or sharpen.磨光:在石头上或用石头摩擦使光滑或锋利5. Obsolete To make hard or indifferent.【废语】 使冷酷:使变成铁石心肠的或漠不关心的语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English st³n * see  stei- 源自 古英语 st³n *参见 stei- 继承用法:ston“er  n.(名词) Stone 1  Stone  AHD:  [st½n] Edward Durell (1902-1978) D.J.  [st*&n]K.K.  [ston]NONE(无词性)American architect who was an exponent of the International Style. Among his notable designs is the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C. (1964).斯通,爱德华·杜雷尔:(1902-1978) 美国建筑师,国际风格的倡导者,他的著名设计之一是华盛顿特区的供艺术表演用的肯尼迪中心(1964年) Stone 2  Stone&B{Harlan Fiske} (&b{1872-1946})  NONE(无词性)American jurist who served as an associate justice (1925-1941) and the chief justice (1941-1946) of the U.S. Supreme Court.斯通,哈伦·菲斯克:(1872-1946) 美国法官,曾任美国最高法院陪审法官(1925-1941年)和首席法官(1941-1046年) Stone 3  Stone&B{Irving} (&b{1903-1989})  NONE(无词性)American writer of popular biographies, includingLust for Life  (1934), about Vincent van Gogh, and The Agony and the Ecstasy  (1961), about Michelangelo. 斯通,欧文:(1903-1989) 美国流行的传记作家,作品包括写文森特·凡·高的《渴望生活》 (1934年)和写米开朗基罗的 《痛苦与狂喜》 (1961年)  Stone 4  Stone&B{I(sidor) F(einstein)} (&b{1907-1989})  NONE(无词性)American journalist who championed liberal causes inI.F. Stone's Weekly  (1953-1971). 斯通,伊(西多)·费(恩斯坦):(1907-1989) 美国记者,他以《I·F·斯通周刊》 为阵地支持自由事业(1953-1971年)  Stone 5  StoneSir &B{(John) Richard (Nicholas)} (&b{Born 1913})  NONE(无词性)British economist. He won a 1984 Nobel Prize for developing accounting systems to track national and international economics.斯通,(约翰)理查德(尼古拉斯):(生于 1913) 英国经济学家,因发展了核算国民经济和国际经济的会计系统而获1984年诺贝尔奖 Stone 6  Stone&B{Lucy} (&b{1818-1893})  NONE(无词性)American feminist and social reformer who organized the first national women's rights convention, held in Worcester, Massachusetts (1850), and was a founder of the American Woman Suffrage Association (1869).斯通,露西:(1818-1893) 美国女权主义者和社会改革家,她组织了于马萨诸塞州的伍斯特举行的全美第一届妇女权利大会(1850年),是美国妇女选举联合会(1869年)的组建者




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