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单词 stonewall
释义 stonewall[stəun'wɒ:l]vi. 防守挡击, 围以石墙, 妨碍或阻碍 stonewall  stone.wall  AHD:  [st½n“wôl”] D.J.  [6st*&n7w%8l]K.K.  [6ston7w%l]v.(动词)  stone.walled,,stone.walls v.intr.(不及物动词)1. Informal 【非正式用语】 2. To engage in delaying tactics; stall:拖延:采用拖延战术;阻滞:“stonewalling for time in order to close the missile gap”(&b{James Reston})“拖延时间以弥补导弹方面的差距”(詹姆斯·赖斯顿)3. To refuse to answer or cooperate.拒绝回答或合作4. Sports To play defensively rather than trying to score in cricket.【体育运动】 打防守球:打板球时消极地打守球而不是打进攻球 (及物动词)【非正式用语】 To refuse to answer or cooperate with; resist or rebuff:拒绝,抵制:拒绝回答…或与…合作;抵制或拒绝:“I want you to stonewall it, let them plead the Fifth Amendment”(&b{Richard M. Nixon})“我要你抵制它,让他们请求第五次修改”(理查德M.尼克松)继承用法:stone“wall”er  n.(名词)




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