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单词 stow
释义 stow[stəu]vt. 收藏, 装填, 贮藏, 装满, 使暂留, 堆垛【经】 堆装, 装载相关词组:stow away stow  stow  AHD:  [st½] D.J.  [st*&]K.K.  [sto]及物动词)  stowed,,stows 1. To place or arrange, especially in a neat, compact way:安置:放置或摆放,尤指整洁、密集地放:stowed his gear in the footlocker.把他的工具摆放到床脚箱中2. To fill (a place or container) by packing tightly.装填:紧密地包缚后装满(某一地方或某一容器)3. To store for future use:储备:储存以供日后之需:stowed carrots and potatoes in the root cellar.在窖中储藏胡萝卜与土豆4. Slang To refrain from; stop.【俚语】 忍住不做…;停止5. To provide lodging for; quarter.容纳:为…提供住宿;接纳常用词组:stow away  1. To hide oneself aboard a conveyance in order to obtain free transportation.偷乘,搭白车:将自己藏在某种交通运输工具内以免付票费2. Informal To consume (food or drink) greedily.【非正式用语】 大吃…:贪婪地吃或饮(食物或饮料)语源:1. Middle English stowen 中古英语 stowen 2. from stowe [place] 源自 stowe [放置] 3. from Old English st½w * see  st³- 源自 古英语 st½w *参见 st³-  Stow 1  Stow  AHD:  [st½] D.J.  [st*&]K.K.  [sto]NONE(无词性)A city of northeast Ohio, a chiefly residential suburb of Akron. Population, 27,702.斯托:美国俄亥俄东北部城市,阿克伦最主要的居住郊区。人口27,702 Stow 2  Stow&B{John} (&b{1525-1605})  NONE(无词性)English historian and antiquarian noted for his collection of medieval manuscripts and for hisSurvey of London  (1598), a description of London at the dawn of modern time. 斯托,约翰:(1525-1605) 英国历史学家、文物工作者,以其对中世纪手稿的收集和描写现代初期的伦敦的《伦敦鸟瞰》 (1598年)而闻名




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