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单词 strangle
释义 strangle['stræŋgl]vt. 勒死, 扼死, 压制, 使窒息, 抑制vi. 被扼死, 被绞死, 窒息而死【医】 绞窄, 使窒息 strangle  AHD:  [str²ng“g…l] D.J.  [6str#0g*l]K.K.  [6str#0g*l]v.(动词)  stran.gled,stran.gling,stran.gles及物动词)1. To kill by squeezing the throat so as to choke or suffocate; throttle.扼死:掐住喉咙以使…窒息而死;掐死2. To cut off the oxygen supply of; smother.使窒息:断绝…的供氧;闷住3. To suppress, repress, or stifle:压抑:压制、抑制或镇压:strangle a scream.压制尖叫声4. To inhibit the growth or action of; restrict:限制:限制…的生长或行动;控制:“That artist is strangled who is forced to deal with human beings solely in social terms”(&b{James Baldwin})“被迫使仅以社会学术语来描绘人的艺术家是受到压制的”(詹姆斯·鲍德温)v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To become strangled.遭到压抑2. To die from suffocation or strangulation; choke.窒息而死:因被掐住或扼住喉咙而死;喘不上气而死语源:1. Middle English stranglen 中古英语 stranglen 2. from Old French estrangler 源自 古法语 estrangler 3. from Latin strangul³re 源自 拉丁语 strangul³re 4. from Greek strangalan 源自 希腊语 strangalan 5. from strangal¶ [halter] 源自 strangal¶ [压抑] 继承用法:stran“gler  n.(名词)




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