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单词 stratum
释义 stratum['streitəm]n. 层, 地层, 阶层【医】 层 stratum  stra.tum  AHD:  [str³“t…m, str²t“…m] D.J.  [6stre!t*m, 6str#t*m]K.K.  [6stret*m, 6str#t*m]n.(名词)  【复数】 stra.ta[-t…]  或 stra.tums  1. A horizontal layer of material, especially one of several parallel layers arranged one on top of another.层:物质的水平分层,尤指几个平行的一个摞在另一个之上的2. Geology A bed or layer of sedimentary rock having approximately the same composition throughout.【地质学】 地层:组成成份大致相同的沉积岩的岩床或岩层3. A level of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status.阶层:由社会、文化、经济地位相近的人组成的社会层次4. One of a number of layers, levels, or divisions in an organized system:阶级:一个有组织的体系的阶层、层次或分支中的一员:a complex poem with many strata of meaning.一首含有多层意义的复杂的诗语源:Latin str³tum [a covering] [from neuter past participle of] sternere [to spread] * see  stratus 拉丁语 str³tum [一个覆盖物]  [] 源自sternere的中性过去分词 [延伸] *参见 stratus继承用法:stra“tal  AHD:  [-t…l] (形容词)用法:The standard singular form isstratum;  the standard plural isstrata  (or sometimes stratums ) but notstratas.  标准的单数形式为stratum;  标准的复数形式为strata (或者有时为 stratums ), 但不是stratas  




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