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单词 streak
释义 streak[stri:k]n. 条理, 斑纹, 倾向vt. 加条纹vi. 变成条纹, 飞跑【医】 划线, 条, 纹相关词组:like a streakbe on a winning streakbe on a losing streak streak  streak  AHD:  [str¶k] D.J.  [stri8k]K.K.  [strik]n.(名词)1. A line, mark, smear, or band differentiated by color or texture from its surroundings.条纹:颜色或质地与周围不同的线条、记号、污点或区域2. A slight contrasting element; a trace:少许:相对细微的成份;痕迹:“There was a streak of wildness in him”(&b{Olga Carlisle})“他有点儿放荡”(奥列格·卡莱尔)3. Informal 【非正式用语】 4. A brief run or stretch, as of luck.短时期:短暂的一阵子或一连串,如运气的5. An unbroken series, as of wins or losses.一系列:连续不断的一系列,如输或赢6. Mineralogy The color of the fine powder produced when a mineral is rubbed against a hard surface. Used as a distinguishing characteristic.【矿物学】 矿物粉色:当矿物与硬表面相摩擦时产生细矿粉的颜色。作为其区分的特点7. Botany Any of various viral diseases of plants characterized by the appearance of discolored stripes on the leaves or stems.【植物学】 条纹病:植物的一种病毒性疾病,特点为在其叶子或茎杆上有变色的条纹8. Microbiology A bacterial culture inoculated by drawing a bacteria-laden needle across the surface of a solid culture medium.【微生物学】 种菌划线:用载有细菌的针尖在培养基的硬表层划线以移入培养的细菌v.(动词)  streaked,,streaks及物动词)1. To mark with streaks:使带条纹:rain streaking the pavement.雨水使路有了条纹2. To lighten (strands of hair) with a chemical preparation.用化学药品使(发束)光亮3. Microbiology To inoculate in order to produce a streak.【微生物学】 为了产生条纹而嫁接v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To form streaks.形成条纹2. To be or become streaked.使有条纹:加条纹或变得有条纹3. To move at high speed; rush.奔驰:快速地移动;飞跑语源:1. Middle English streke [line] 中古英语 streke [线] 2. from Old English strica * see  streig- 源自 古英语 strica *参见 streig- 继承用法:streak“er  n.(名词)参考词汇:1. streak,strain,vein2. The central meaning shared by these nouns is “an intermixture of an unexpected quality, as in a person's character”: 这些名词共有的中心意思为“混有意想不到的品质,如在某人的性格中”: a vein of stubbornness. 有点顽固




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