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单词 street
释义 street[stri:t]n. 街道, 马路, 街区a. 街道的【法】 街道, 马路相关词组:up one's streetin the streetlive in the streetnot in sb's streetnot in the same street withnot in the same street asput it on the street street  street  AHD:  [str¶t] D.J.  [stri8t]K.K.  [strit]n.(名词)1. Abbr. st.,St.缩写 st.,St.2. A public way or thoroughfare in a city or town, usually with a sidewalk or sidewalks.街道:城市或城镇中的公用路或大道,通常有一或多条人行道3. Such a public way considered apart from the sidewalks:马路:被认为距离人行道的这样的公用路:Don't play in the street.别在马路上玩耍4. A public way or road along with the houses or buildings abutting it:街道:两侧有房屋或建筑物的公用道路:lives on a quiet street.生活在一条安静的街道5. The people living, working, or habitually gathering in or along a street:全街区的人:沿街生活;工作或经常聚集在一起的人们:The whole street protested the new parking regulations.整条街的人们反对这一新的停车条例6. Street A district, such as Wall Street in New York City, that is identified with a specific profession. Often used withthe.  Street 某一大街:被视为与某一特殊职业等同的地区;如纽约市的华尔街,通常与the 连用 7. The streets of a city viewed as the scene of crime, poverty, or dereliction.贫困的区域,犯罪多的区域:被认为是犯罪,贫穷或被遗弃场所的城市街道adj.(形容词)1. Near or giving passage to a street:邻近或通向街道的:a street door.临街的门2. Taking place in the street:在街上发生的:a street brawl; street crime.街斗;街上犯罪3. Living or making a living on the streets:街上的:生活在街道上或在街道上谋生的:street people; a street vendor.街上的人们;街贩4. Performing on the street:在街上表演的:street musicians; a street juggler.街头音乐家;街头小丑5. Crude; vulgar:粗鲁的;粗俗的:street language; street humor.粗俗的语言;粗俗的幽默6. Appropriate for wear or use in public:适合于街头穿或用的:street clothes.街头服装习惯用语:on the street 或  in the street  1. Without a job; idle.没有工作的;闲逛的2. Without a home; homeless.无家的;无家可归的3. Out of prison; at liberty.出狱;自由语源:1. Middle English strete 中古英语 strete 2. from Old English str&9{Æt, str¶t} 源自 古英语 str&9{Æt, str¶t} 3. from Late Latin str³ta [paved road] 源自 后期拉丁语 str³ta [铺设的路] 4. from Latin [feminine past participle of] sternere [to stretch, extend, pave] * see  ster- 2源自 拉丁语  [] sternere的阴性过去分词 [伸延,扩展,铺设] *参见 ster- 2




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