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单词 stretcher
释义 stretcher['stretʃə]n. 担架, 延伸器【医】 担架 stretcher  AHD:  [strµch“…r] D.J.  [6stret.*]K.K.  [6strWt.+]n.(名词)1. A litter, usually of canvas stretched over a frame, used to transport the sick, wounded, or dead.担架:通常由帆布撑于架子之间的担架,用于运送病人,伤员或死者2. One that stretches, such as the wooden framework on which canvas is stretched for an oil painting.绷画布的框子:为油画而使帆布绷紧的木框架,例如木制框架3. A usually horizontal tie beam or brace serving to support or extend a framework.撑具:用于支撑或延伸框架通常为水平的系梁或拉条4. A brick or stone laid parallel to the face of a wall.顺砖:平行于墙面的砖石或石块




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