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单词 stride
释义 stride[straid]n. 大步, 步幅, 步态, 进步vt. 迈大步走, 跨过, 跨vi. 迈大步走, 跨过, 跨相关词组:hit one's stridetake something in one's strideget into one's stride stride  stride  AHD:  [strºd] D.J.  [stra!d]K.K.  [stra!d]v.(动词)  strode[str½d] strid.den[str¹d“n],strides v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To walk with long steps, especially in a hasty or vigorous way.大踏步走:阔步行进,尤指匆忙或有力地2. To take a single long step, as in passing over an obstruction.跨过:跨一大步,如以跨越障碍等3. To stand or sit astride; straddle.跨越;分开腿站立及物动词)1. To walk with long steps on, along, or over:大踏步地走:striding the stage.大踏步走过台阶2. To step over or across:跨越或踏过:stride a brook.跨越一小溪3. To be astride of; straddle.分腿站立n.(名词)1. The act of striding.跨步的动作2. A single long step.一大步3. The distance traveled in such a step.一大步所跨的距离4. A single coordinated movement of the four legs of a horse or other animal, completed when the legs return to their initial relative position.动物的一跨:马或其它动物的四腿协调的一次跨步,当腿回到原来的相对位置时完成5. The distance traveled in such a movement.这样一次跨步的距离6. A step of progress; an advance. Often used in the plural:进步:进步;进展。常用复数:making great strides in their studies.在学习上取得很大的进步习惯用语:hit (one's) stride  1. To achieve a steady, effective pace.达到稳定有效的步奏2. To attain a maximum level of competence.达到最大的水平take in (one's) stride  To cope with calmly, without interrupting one's normal routine:从容对付某事:冷静地,不打断日常活动地处理:taking their newfound wealth in stride.从容处理新发现的财富语源:1. Middle English striden 中古英语 striden 2. from Old English str&9{ºdan} 源自 古英语 str&9{ºdan} 继承用法:strid“er  n.(名词)




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