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单词 strop
释义 strop[strɒp]n. 磨剃刀皮带, 滑索vt. 磨 strop  strop  AHD:  [str¼p] D.J.  [strKp]K.K.  [str$p]n.(名词)1. A strap, especially a short rope whose ends are spliced together to make a ring.皮带:尤指两头可系起形成环结的皮带2. A flexible strip of leather or canvas used for sharpening a razor.磨剃刀皮带:用于磨快刀锋的有弹性的革带或帆布条及物动词)  stropped,,strops To sharpen (a razor) on a strop.在磨剃刀皮带上磨快(刀片)语源:1. Middle English strope [band of leather] 中古英语 strope [皮带] 2. probably from Old English [thong for an oar] 可能源自 古英语 [橹带] 3. from Latin stroppus [twisted cord] 源自 拉丁语 stroppus [扭曲线] 4. from Greek strophos 源自 希腊语 strophos 5. from strephein [to turn] * see  streb(h)- 源自 strephein [翻转] *参见 streb(h)-




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