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单词 Stuart
释义 Stuart 1  AHD:  [st›“…rt, sty›“-] D.J.  [6stu8*t, 6stju8-]K.K.  [6stu*t, 6stju-]NONE(无词性)Ruling house of Scotland (1371-1603) and of England and Scotland (1603-1649 and 1660-1714).斯图亚特王朝:统治苏格兰(1371年-1603年)及英格兰和苏格兰(1603-1649年和1660年-1714年)的王室 Stuart 2  Stuart&B{Charles Edward}  Known as &b{“the Young Pretender.”}(&b{1720-1788})  NONE(无词性)Pretender to the British throne. The grandson of James II, he led the last Jacobite rising (1745-1746), claiming the throne for his father, James Edward Stuart, but was defeated in battle and fled to France.斯图亚特,查尔斯·爱德华:(1720-1788) 英国王位的觊觎者为詹姆士二世的孙子,领导雅各宾派的最后起义(1745-1746年),要求继承他父亲詹姆士·爱德华·斯图亚特的王位,但在战斗中失败后逃往法国 Stuart 3  Stuart&B{Gilbert Charles} (&b{1755-1828})  NONE(无词性)American painter particularly known for his portraits of George Washington.斯图尔特,吉尔伯特·查尔斯:(1755-1828) 美国画家,尤其以他为乔治·华盛顿所画的肖像画著名 Stuart 4  Stuart&B{Henry}  NONE(无词性)See  Lord Darnley 参见  勋爵 Darnley Stuart 5  Stuart&B{James Ewell Brown}  Known as &b{“Jeb.”}(&b{1833-1864})  NONE(无词性)American Confederate general who commanded brilliantly at the battles of Bull Run (1861 and 1862), Antietam (1862), and Fredericksburg (1862). His tactical error at Gettysburg (1863) contributed to the Confederate defeat there. Stuart was mortally wounded during the Wilderness Campaign (1864).斯图亚特,詹姆斯·埃维尔·布朗:(1833-1864) 美国南部邦联军将军,出色地指挥了布尔溪战役(1861和1862年)、安提塔姆战役(1862年)和弗雷德里克斯堡(1862年)战役。他的战术性失策是在葛底斯堡(1863年)战役,并导致了南部邦联军的失败。他在维尔德尼斯战役(1864年)中受到致命伤 Stuart 6  Stuart&B{James (Francis) Edward}  Known as &b{“the Old Pretender.”}(&b{1688-1766})  NONE(无词性)Pretender to the British throne. The son of James II, he made two unsuccessful attempts to take the throne (1708-1715). The final Jacobite rising (1745-1746), also a failure, was conducted on his behalf by his son Charles Edward Stuart.斯图亚特,詹姆斯(弗朗西斯)·爱德华:(1688-1766) 英国王位的觊觎者詹姆士二世之子,他企图二次攫取王位未获成功(1708-1715年)。最后代表他儿子查尔斯·爱德华·斯图亚特策划的雅各宾派的最后一次起义(1745-1746年)也以失败告终




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