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单词 stud
释义 stud[stʌd]n. 装饰钮扣, 大头钉, 领扣, 种马vt. 镶嵌, 点缀, 散布【医】 栓钉 stud 1  stud 1  AHD:  [st¾d] D.J.  [stJd]K.K.  [stJd]n.(名词)1. An upright post in the framework of a wall for supporting sheets of lath, wallboard, or similar material.立柱:墙架上的直立柱,用于支撑木板条,墙板或相类似的材料2. A small knob, nail head, or rivet fixed in and slightly projecting from a surface.突出物:微突出于表面的小把手,钉头或螺栓3. A small ornamental button mounted on a short post for insertion through an eyelet, as on a dress shirt.饰钉:用于装饰的小纽扣,如在衬衣上为穿过圆眼孔而钉的纽扣4. A buttonlike earring mounted on a slender post, as of gold or steel, for wearing in a pierced earlobe.耳环:金或铁的纽扣形耳朵用于佩带在穿孔的耳孔上5. Any of various protruding pins or pegs in machinery, used mainly as a support or pivot.柱螺栓:机器上的各种突出钉子或螺栓,主要用作支撑物或转轴6. One of a number of small metal cleats embedded in a snow tire to increase traction on slippery or snowy roads.防滑钉:雪地用车轮上的小金属防滑钉之一,用于在粘滑或有雪的路面上以增加摩擦力7. A metal crosspiece used as a brace in a link, as in a chain cable.链档环节如锚链中用作支撑的金属横档及物动词)  stud.ded,stud.ding,studs 1. To provide with or construct with studs or a stud.用钉装饰或用钉建造2. To set with studs or a stud:给…上钉:stud a bracelet with rubies.用红宝石镶嵌手镯3. To be scattered over:使散分:Daisies studded the meadow.雏菊点缀的草地语源:1. Middle English stode 中古英语 stode 2. from Old English studu * see  st³- 源自 古英语 studu *参见 st³-  stud 2  stud 2  AHD:  [st¾d] D.J.  [stJd]K.K.  [stJd]n.(名词)1. A group of animals, especially horses, kept for breeding.马群:为繁殖而保留的动物群尤指马2. A male animal, such as a stallion, that is kept for breeding.留种的雄畜,种公马为繁殖而保留的雄性动物,如种马3. A stable or farm where these animals are kept.畜场:这些物被保留的畜栏或农场4. Slang A man regarded as virile and sexually active.【俚语】 性欲旺盛的男子5. Games Stud poker.【游戏】 沙蟹习惯用语:at stud  Available or offered for breeding. Used of animals.配种的:供配种用或提供的,用于动物语源:1. Middle English stod [establishment for breeding horses] 中古英语 stod [供配种使用的牲畜场] 2. from Old English st½d * see  st³- 源自 古英语 st½d *参见 st³-  stud.  stud.  abbr.(略语)Student. Student.




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