单词 | subject |
释义 | subject['sʌbdʒekt]n. 科目, 主题, 臣民, 主语, 题目, (事物的)经受者, 学科, 受治疗者, 原因, 理由a. 服从的, 易患...的, 隶属的, 受支配的ad. 在...条件下vt. 使隶属, 使受到【计】 主题, 主体【医】 受验者, 受治疗者; 解剖的尸体【经】 题目, 问题, 主题相关词组:be subject tosubject sb to sth subject sub.ject AHD: [s¾b“j¹kt] D.J. [6sJbd9!kt]K.K. [6sJbd9!kt]adj.(形容词)1. Being in a position or in circumstances that place one under the power or authority of another or others:服从的,支配的:处于别人之权力或权威控制之下的状态或地位的:All citizens in this nation are subject to the law.这个国家的全体公民都必须服从法律2. Prone; disposed:易于…的;倾向于…的:a child who is subject to colds.易于感冒的孩子3. Likely to incur or receive; exposed:易受…的:很可能导致或受到…的;暴露的:a directive that could be subject to misinterpretation.易于被误解的命令4. Contingent or dependent:依…而定的:附随的或从属的:Your vacation is subject to the changing weather patterns.你的假期可视天气变化而决定n.Abbr. subj.(名词)缩写 subj.1. One who is under the rule of another or others, especially one who owes allegiance to a government or ruler.臣服者,臣民:受别人统治的人,尤指忠于政府或统治者的人2. One concerning which something is said or done:问题,主题:(事物的)经受者,(谈话的)对象:She is a subject of gossip in the office.她是办公室里闲谈的对象3. Something that is treated or indicated in a work of art.题材,主题:艺术作品中所述及的或表现的对象4. Music A theme of a composition, especially a fugue.【音乐】 主题:音乐作曲之主题,尤指赋格曲5. A course or area of study:学科,研究领域:Math is her best subject.数学是她最擅长的课目6. A basis for action; a cause.理由:起因,缘由;根据7. One that experiences or is subjected to something:对象,目标:经历或经受某事的人或物:They made him the subject of ridicule.他们使他成为嘲笑的对象8. One that is the object of clinical study:受实验者,受治疗者:临床医学研究的对象:The experiment involved 12 subjects.用了十二个研究对象的实验9. One who is under surveillance:监视对象:The subject was observed leaving the scene of the murder.有人看见监视对象离开了杀人现场10. A corpse intended for study and dissection.解剖用的尸体:供解剖研究或供解剖用的尸体11. Grammar The noun, noun phrase, or pronoun in a sentence or clause that denotes the doer of the action or what is described by the predicate and that in some languages, such as English, can be identified by its characteristic position in simple sentences and in other languages, such as Latin, by inflectional endings.【语法】 主语:句子中表明动作执行者或谓语描述之对象的名词、名词短语或代词,这些词或短语在有些语言,如英语中,可以通过其在简单句子中的典型位置来确认,而在另一些语言,如拉丁语中,则可通过屈折变化的词尾来确定12. Logic The term of a proposition about which something is affirmed or denied.【逻辑学】 主词,主项,主概念:逻辑命题中的一个词,它表示肯定或否定的论题13. Philosophy 【哲学】 14. The essential nature or substance of something as distinguished from its attributes.主体,主观:区别于其属性的事物的基本性质或构成15. The mind or thinking part as distinguished from the object of thought.主体,主观:与思考对象相区别的头脑或进行思考的头脑部分v.tr.(及物动词) sub.ject.ed,sub.ject.ing,sub.jects[s…b-jµkt“] 1. To submit for consideration.遵照2. To submit to the authority of.服从3. To expose to something:使遭受:The patients on that ward were subjected to infection.那张病床上的病人受了感染4. To cause to experience:使经历:The campers were subjected to extreme weather.野营者们经历了极恶劣的天气5. To subjugate; subdue.制服;征服语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. from Latin s&9{¿biectus} [from past participle of] s&9{¿}bicere [to subject] 源自 拉丁语 s&9{¿biectus} [] 源自s&9{¿}bicere的过去分词 [使服从,使臣服] 4. sub- [sub-] sub- [前缀,表示“附属”] 5. iacere [to throw] * see y¶- iacere [扔,掷] *参见 y¶- 继承用法:subjec“tion AHD: [s…b-jµk“sh…n] (名词)参考词汇:1. subject,matter,topic,theme2. These nouns denote the principal idea or point of a speech, a piece of writing, or an artistic work.这些名词表示演讲、文章或艺术作品的主要思想或要旨。3. Subject is the most general: Subject 最具概括性: “Well, honor is the subject of my story” (Shakespeare).“那么好吧,荣誉是我的故事的主题 (莎士比亚)。4. Matter refers to the material that is the object of thought or discourse: Matter 指的是思考或谈论对象之内容组成: “They would talk of nothing but high life . . . with other fashionable topics, such as pictures, taste, Shakespeare” (Oliver Goldsmith).他们谈论的只是高层生活…以及其它时髦的话题,如绘画、审美和莎士比亚 (奥立弗·高德史密斯)。5. Theme refers especially to a subject, an idea, a point of view, or a perception that is developed and expanded on in a work of art: Theme 则特指在一艺术作品中发展及描述的题目、概念、观点或看法: “To produce a mighty book, you must choose a mighty theme” (Herman Melville).See also Synonyms at &b{citizen} ,&b{dependent} 要写一部伟大的作品,你必须选择一个伟大的主题” (赫尔曼·梅尔维尔)参见同义词 citizen,dependent |
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