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单词 Suez Canal
释义 Suez Canal['su:iz'kænəl]苏伊士运河 Suez Canal  Suez Canal  NONE(无词性)A ship canal, about 166 km (103 mi) long, traversing the Isthmus of Suez and linking the Red Sea and the Gulf of Suez with the Mediterranean Sea. Built under the supervision of Ferdinand de Lesseps, it was opened in November 1869 and after 1875 came under British control. The British withdrew in June 1956, and in July President Gamal Abdel Nasser of Egypt nationalized the canal, precipitating a crisis in which Israel invaded Egypt and Great Britain and France sent armed forces to retake the canal. United Nations intervention forced an armistice, and the canal was reopened in April 1957. The canal was again closed in July 1967 during the Arab-Israeli War and remained closed until June 1975.苏伊士运河:一条长约166公里(103英里)的可行船运河,横贯苏伊士地峡,将红海和苏伊士湾与地中海相连。在费南·德·勒塞普的监督指挥下修建,于1869年11月开通,1875年被英国控制。英国人于1956年6月退出,7月埃及总统贾迈尔·阿卜达尔·纳赛尔将运河国有化,加速了以色列入侵埃及,英国和法国派遣武装力量企图重新攫取运河,使危机升高。联合国的干预达成停火,运河也于1957年4月重新开放。苏伊士运河在阿以战争中于1967年7月再一次关闭,一直到1975年6月才再次开放




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