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单词 Sullivan
释义 Sullivan 1  AHD:  [s¾l“…-v…n] Anne Mansfield (1866-1936) D.J.  [6sJl*v*n]K.K.  [6sJl*v*n]NONE(无词性)American educator. Visually impaired herself, she was the teacher and lifelong companion of Helen Keller.沙利文,安妮·曼斯菲尔德:(1866-1936) 美国教育家。他视力不好,是海伦·凯勒的老师和一生的朋友和伙伴 Sullivan 2  SullivanSir &B{Arthur Seymour} (&b{1842-1900})  NONE(无词性)British composer known for a series of comic operas, includingH.M.S. Pinafore  (1878) and The Gondoliers  (1889), written with the lyricist W.S. Gilbert. 沙利文,阿瑟·西摩:(1842-1900) 英国作曲家因其一系列歌剧,包括《皮纳福号》 (1878年) 《威尼斯平底船的船夫》 (1889年),他与抒情诗人W·S·吉伯特一同创作  Sullivan 3  Sullivan&B{Edward Vincent}  Known as &b{“Ed.”}(&b{1902-1974})  NONE(无词性)American columnist and host ofThe Ed Sullivan Show  (1948-1971), a television variety show. 沙利文,爱德华·文森特:(1902-1974) 美国专栏作家,《爱德·沙利文》 (1948-1971年)- 一个电视综艺节目的主持人  Sullivan 4  Sullivan&B{Harry Stack} (&b{1892-1949})  NONE(无词性)American psychiatrist who theorized that personality is largely determined by one's interpersonal relations and the assimilation of societal values.沙利文,哈里·斯塔克:(1892-1949) 美国精神病学家,他提出了关于人的个性。主要是由人际关系和社交价值观的同化作用所决定的理论 Sullivan 5  Sullivan&B{John Lawrence} (&b{1858-1918})  NONE(无词性)American prizefighter who was the heavyweight champion from 1882 to 1892. In 1889 he fought the last bare-knuckles title bout.沙利文,约翰·劳伦斯:(1858-1918) 美国职业拳击运动员,他是1882年到1892年的重量级拳王,1889年他进行了最后一次徒手冠军比赛 Sullivan 6  Sullivan&B{Louis Henry}  或 Henri (&b{1856-1924})  NONE(无词性)American architect known for his early steel-frame designs for skyscrapers and for his influential dictum “Form follows function.”萨利,路易斯·亨利:(1856-1924) 美国建筑师,他因早期为摩天大楼的钢架结构的设计和颇有影响的“功能重于外形”的观点而著名




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