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单词 supplant
释义 supplant[sə'plɑ:nt]vt. 排挤掉, 代替 supplant  sup.plant  AHD:  [s…-pl²nt“] D.J.  [s*6pl#nt]K.K.  [s*6pl#nt]及物动词)  sup.plant.ed,,sup.plants 1. To usurp the place of, especially through intrigue or underhanded tactics.取代:尤指通过阴谋或不光彩的计谋篡夺…的位置2. To displace and substitute for (another):取代,代替(另一个):The word processor has largely supplanted electric typewriters.See Synonyms at &b{replace} word处理程序已很大程度上取代了电动打字机参见 replace语源:1. Middle English supplanten 中古英语 supplanten 2. from Old French supplanter 源自 古法语 supplanter 3. from Latin supplant³re [to trip up] 源自 拉丁语 supplant³re [(勾脚)等使摔倒] 4. sub- [sub-] sub- [前缀,表示“下面”] 5. planta [sole of the foot] * see  plat- planta [脚底] *参见 plat-




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