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单词 surgery
释义 surgery['sə:dʒəri]n. 外科, 手术, 手术室, 换球术 surgery  sur.ger.y  AHD:  [sûr“j…-r¶] D.J.  [6sT8d9*ri8]K.K.  [6sPd9*ri]n.(名词)  【复数】 sur.ger.ies 缩写 surg.1. The branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of injury, deformity, and disease by manual and instrumental means.外科学:用手或器械来诊断和治疗受伤、畸形或疾病的一门医学2. A surgical operation or procedure, especially one involving the removal or replacement of a diseased organ or tissue.手术:外科手术或过程,特别是指割治、替换患病器官或组织的外科手术或过程3. An operating room or a laboratory of a surgeon or of a hospital's surgical staff.手术室:外科医生或者医院里外科大夫们的开刀室或实验室4. The skill or work of a surgeon.外科医生的手艺或手术5. Chiefly British 【多用于英国】 6. A physician's, dentist's, or veterinarian's office.诊所7. The period during which a physician, dentist, or veterinarian consults with or treats patients in the office.诊断时间:医生、外科医生或兽医在办公室里诊断或治疗病者的一段时间语源:1. Middle English surgerie 中古英语 surgerie 2. from Old French 源自 古法语 3. short for cirurgerie cirurgerie的简写 4. from cirurgie 源自 cirurgie 5. from Latin ch&9{ºr&9{¿}rgia} 源自 拉丁语 ch&9{ºr&9{¿}rgia} 6. from Greek kheirourgia 源自 希腊语 kheirourgia 7. from kheirourgos [working by hand] 源自 kheirourgos [手工] 8. kheir [hand] * see  ghesor- kheir [手] *参见 ghesor- 9. ergon [work] * see  werg- ergon [工作] *参见 werg-




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