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单词 surprise
释义 surprise[sə'praiz]n. 惊奇, 奇袭, 诧异vt. 使惊奇, 撞见, 奇袭【经】 突然袭击相关词组:It is no surprise thatIt is surprise thatin surprisetake by surpriseby surprise surprise  surprise 也作 sur.prize  AHD:  [s…r-prºz“] D.J.  [s*6pra!z]K.K.  [s+6pra!z]及物动词)  sur.prised 也作 sur.prized  1. To encounter suddenly or unexpectedly; take or catch unawares.惊讶:突然或出乎意料地面对;出其不意地抓住2. To attack or capture suddenly and without warning.突击,逮捕:没有警告、突然地袭击或抓住3. To cause to feel wonder, astonishment, or amazement, as at something unanticipated.使感到惊讶:使感到对毫无预料的事情的好奇、惊讶或惊愕4. To cause (someone) to do or say something unintended.不经意地做或说出:使(某人)做或说非本意的事5. To elicit or detect through surprise.惊讶地发现:带着诧异得到或察觉n.(名词)1. The act of surprising or the condition of being surprised.惊讶,惊奇:使惊讶的行为或惊讶的状态2. Something, such as an unexpected encounter, event, or gift, that surprises.使惊讶的事物:如一出乎意料的会面、事件或礼物等使人惊讶的事物语源:1. Middle English surprisen [to overcome] 中古英语 surprisen [克服] 2. from Old French surprise [feminine past participle of] surprendre [to surprise] 源自 古法语 surprise  [] surprendre的阴性过去分词 [使惊讶] 3. sur- [sur-] sur- [超过…] 4. prendre [to take]  from Latin prehendere, prendere [to seize] * see  ghend- prendre [拿]  源自 拉丁语 prehendere, prendere [抓住] *参见 ghend- 继承用法:surpris“er  n.(名词)surpris“ing  adj.(形容词)surpris“ingly  adv.(副词)参考词汇:1. surprise,astonish,amaze,astound,dumbfound,flabbergast2. These verbs mean to affect a person strongly as being unexpected or unusual.Tosurprise  is to fill with often sudden wonder or disbelief as being unanticipated or out of the ordinary:  这些动词意思是因其出其不意或不寻常而强烈地影响一个人。Surprise 指的是因其出乎意料或非同寻常而使人突然充满好奇和不相信:  “Never tell people how &I{to do things.} Tell them what &I{to do and they will surprise you with their ingenuity”}   (George S. Patton).“永远不要告诉人们怎样 去做事。 告诉他们去干什么 ,他们的足智多谋将会令您惊讶”  (乔治S·巴顿)。3. Astonish   suggests overwhelming surprise: Astonish  表示难以抵御的惊讶: The sight of such an enormous crowd astonished us.看到如此庞大的人群我惊讶万分。4. Amaze   implies astonishment and often bewilderment: Amaze  表示极度惊讶以及困惑: The violinist's virtuosity has amazed audiences all over the world.小提琴家的精湛技艺使全世界的观众惊诧不已。5. Astound   connotes shock, as from something unprecedented in one's experience: Astound  暗指由于未经历过的事情产生的震惊: We were astounded at the high cost of traveling in Japan.日本昂贵的旅游费用令我们震惊。6. Dumbfound   adds toastound  the suggestion of perplexity and often wordlessness:  Dumbfound  除有astound 的意思外,还表示困惑及无话可说:  His denial that he had witnessed the accident dumbfounded me.他否认曾亲眼目睹这一事故的发生把我惊呆了。7. Flabbergast   is used as a more colorful equivalent ofastound, astonish,  or amaze :  Flabbergast  与asfound, astonish 或 amaze 意义相同,但更富于色彩:  “The aldermen . . . were . . . flabbergasted;they were speechless from bewilderment”  (Benjamin Disraeli).“高级市政官们目瞪口呆;他们因为迷惑而变得哑口无言” (本杰明·迪斯累利)




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