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单词 surround
释义 surround[sə'raund]vt. 包围, 环绕, 围绕n. 围绕物【电】 周围 surround  sur.round  AHD:  [s…-round“] D.J.  [s*6ra&nd]K.K.  [s*6ra&nd]及物动词)  sur.round.ed,,sur.rounds 1. To extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle.围绕:同时扩展到每一边;围绕2. To enclose or confine on all sides so as to bar escape or outside communication.包围,圈禁:围住或关闭每一边以阻止逃跑或外部沟通n.(名词)1. Something, such as fencing or a border, that surrounds:边缘:象栅栏或边框一样围绕的东西:a fireplace surround.壁炉边缘2. The area around a thing or place:四周:一物体或地方的周围:inflammation extending to the surround of the eye.火焰伸到了眼睛的边上3. Surroundings; environment:周围,环境:“It was the country, the flat agricultural surround, that so ravished me”(&b{Listener})“正是这乡间、这平坦的农田如此令我陶醉”(听众)4. A method of hunting wild animals by surrounding them and driving them to a place from which they cannot escape.围猎:一种猎取野兽的方法,即围住它们并把它们赶到一个无法逃离的地方语源:1. Middle English surrounden [to inundate] 中古英语 surrounden [淹没] 2. from Old French suronder 源自 古法语 suronder 3. from Late Latin superund³re 源自 后期拉丁语 superund³re 4. Latin super- [super-] 拉丁语 super- [超] 5. Latin und³re [to rise in waves]  from unda [wave] * see  wed- 1拉丁语 und³re [波浪上涨]  源自 unda [波浪] *参见 wed- 1参考词汇:1. surround,circle,compass,encircle,encompass,environ,gird,girdle,ring2. The central meaning shared by these verbs is “to lie around and bound on all sides”: 这些动词共有的中心意义是“四周延伸并限制每边”: a dinner table ringed with guests. 围坐着客人的餐桌




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