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单词 sweat
释义 sweat[swet]n. 汗, 汗水, 水珠, 焦急vi. 出汗, 渗出, 冒出水气, 结水珠, 烦恼, 懊恼vt. 使出汗, 流出, 榨出, 使汗流浃背【医】 汗【经】 榨取(工人等的)血汗相关词组:sweat it outsweat outall of a sweatbe wet with sweatby the sweat of one's browby the sweat of one's facein a sweatno sweat sweat  sweat  AHD:  [swµt] D.J.  [swet]K.K.  [swWt]v.(动词)  sweat.ed 或 sweat,sweats v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To excrete perspiration through the pores in the skin; perspire.流汗:以皮肤毛孔排泄汁液;出汗2. To exude in droplets, as moisture from certain cheeses or sap from a tree.渗出:象树液或某些奶酪的水份一样成滴渗出3. To condense atmospheric moisture.凝结空气水份4. To release moisture, as hay in the swath.释放水气:象割草中的干草一样释放水份5. To ferment, as tobacco during curing.发酵:象熏烤烟叶般发酵6. Informal 【非正式用语】 7. To work long and hard.做苦工:长时间辛勤工作8. To suffer much, as for a misdeed.受苦:为错误而吃许多苦头9. Informal To fret or worry.【非正式用语】 烦恼,焦急及物动词)1. To excrete (moisture) through a porous surface, such as the skin.冒汗:以带孔的表面排泄(水份),如皮肤2. To gather and condense (moisture) on a surface.冒出水气:在表面聚结并凝结(水份)3. To cause to perspire, as by drugs, heat, or strenuous exercise.因…而出汗:通过药物、热气或繁重的练习使出汗4. To make damp or wet with perspiration.汗湿:用汗弄潮或弄湿5. To cause to work excessively; overwork.使过度工作;工作过度6. To overwork and underpay (employees).榨取:使(受雇者)过度工作并过低支付报酬7. Slang 【俚语】 8. To interrogate (someone) under duress:逼问:用强迫的手段质问:The secret police sweated the suspected spy for hours.秘密警察逼问了那可疑的间谍好几个钟头9. To extract (information) from someone under duress:审讯:强逼某人说出(信息):The police sweated the information out of the suspect.警察逼迫嫌疑犯提供了情况10. Metallurgy To join (metal parts) by interposing cold solder and then heating.【冶金学】 焊结:插入金属焊料然后加热来连接(金属部件)11. To steam (vegetables or other food).蒸(蔬菜或其它食物)n.(名词)1. The colorless saline moisture excreted by the sweat glands; perspiration.汗水:通过汗腺排出的无色含盐水份;汗液2. Condensation of moisture in the form of droplets on a surface.湿气:凝结在物体表面的水珠3. The process of sweating.出汗:出汗的过程4. Slang The condition of being sweated.【俚语】 流汗:出汗的状态5. Strenuous, exhaustive labor; drudgery.繁重、耗力的劳动;苦工6. A run given to a horse as exercise before a race.赛马前马的热身跑7. Informal An anxious, fretful condition.【非正式用语】 担心,焦虑8. sweats Informal A sweat suit.sweats 【非正式用语】 运动套装常用词组:sweat out 【俚语】  1. To endure anxiously:焦急地忍受:sweat out an examination.焦急地忍受考试2. To await (something) anxiously:焦急地等待(某物):sweat out one's final grades.焦急地等待最后的分数习惯用语:no sweat【俚语】  Easily done or handled.轻易完成或解决的sweat blood【非正式用语】  1. To work diligently or strenuously.勤奋而辛苦地工作2. To worry intensly.极其焦虑sweat bullets【俚语】  To sweat profusely.大量出汗sweat of (one's) brow  Hard work:辛勤工作:“keep what they produced by the sweat of their brow”(&b{Mario Puzo})“通过辛勤的工作来保住他们的所得”(马里奥·普佐)语源:1. Middle English sweten 中古英语 sweten 2. from Old English sw&9{Ætan} * see  sweid- 源自 古英语 sw&9{Ætan} *参见 sweid-




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