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单词 swindle
释义 swindle[swindl]n. 骗取, 欺诈, 骗局vt. 骗取, 诈取vi. 骗取, 诈取【法】 行骗, 诈骗, 欺骗; 行骗, 诈骗, 欺骗 swindle  swin.dle  AHD:  [sw¹n“dl] D.J.  [6sw!ndl]K.K.  [6sw!nd1]v.(动词)  swin.dled,swin.dling,swin.dles及物动词)1. To cheat or defraud of money or property.诈骗:骗走钱财或财产2. To obtain by fraudulent means:以欺骗性方式得到:swindled money from the company.诈取公司钱财v.intr.(不及物动词)To practice fraud as a means of obtaining money or property.诈取钱财:进行欺骗以作为一种获取钱或财产的方式n.(名词)The act or an instance of swindling.诈骗行为语源:1. Back-formation from swindler [one who swindles] 源自 swindler的逆构词 [骗子] 2. from German Schwindler [giddy person, cheat] 源自 德语 Schwindler [轻佻的人,骗子] 3. from schwindeln [to be dizzy, swindle] 源自 schwindeln [头晕,欺骗] 4. from Middle High German 源自 中古高地德语 5. from Old High German swintil½n [frequentative of] swintan [to languish] 源自 古高地德语 swintil½n  [] swintan的重复动词 [凋萎] 继承用法:swin“dler  n.(名词)




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