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单词 sword
释义 sword[sɒ:d]n. 刀, 剑, 战争, 武力, 剑状物相关词组:put to the swordput up the sword sword  sword  AHD:  [sôrd] D.J.  [s%8d]K.K.  [s%rd]n.(名词)1. A weapon consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved, pointed blade having one or two cutting edges and set into a hilt.剑,刀:一种武器,通常由长而直或微微弯曲的、尖刃,有一面或两面锋利切边的刀锋组成,刀锋嵌入刀柄之中2. An instrument of death or destruction.死亡或毁灭的器械3. The use of force, as in war.使用武力,如战争中4. Military power or jurisdiction.武力或军事裁判权习惯用语:at swords' points  Ready for a fight.准备战斗put to the sword  To kill; slay.杀死;处死语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old English sweord 源自 古英语 sweord




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