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单词 syncope
释义 syncope['siŋkəpi]n. (词中)音省略, 中略【医】 晕厥 syncope  AHD:  [s¹ng“k…-p¶, s¹n“-] D.J.  [6s!0k*pi8, 6s!n-]K.K.  [6s!0k*pi, 6s!n-]n.(名词)1. Grammar The shortening of a word by omission of a sound, letter, or syllable from the middle of the word; for example,bos'n  for boatswain.  【语法】 词中省略,中略:通过省略某词中间的一个音、字母或音节来缩短该词;如boatswain 省略为 bos'n  2. Pathology A brief loss of consciousness caused by a temporary deficiency of oxygen in the brain; a swoon.See Synonyms at blackout 【病理学】 晕厥:因脑中暂时供氧不足而产生的短暂的意识丧失;昏倒参见 blackout语源:1. Middle English sincopis 中古英语 sincopis 2. from sincopene 源自 sincopene 3. from Late Latin syncop¶n [accusative of] syncop¶ 源自 后期拉丁语 syncop¶n  [] syncop¶的宾格 4. from Greek sunkop¶ 源自 希腊语 sunkop¶ 5. from sunkoptein [to cut short] 源自 sunkoptein [缩短] 6. sun- [syn-] sun- [前缀,表“相同的”] 7. koptein [to strike] koptein [打,击] 继承用法:syn“copal  AHD:  [s¹ng“k…-p…l, s¹n“-]  或 syn.cop“ic [s¹n-k¼p“¹k] (形容词)




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