单词 | synecdoche |
释义 | synecdoche[si'nekdəki]n. 提喻法 synecdoche syn.ec.do.che AHD: [s¹-nµk“d…-k¶] D.J. [s!6nekd*ki8]K.K. [s!6nWkd*ki]n.(名词)A figure of speech in which a part is used for the whole (ashand for sailor ), the whole for a part (as the law for police officer ), the specific for the general (as cutthroat for assassin ), the general for the specific (as thief for pickpocket ), or the material for the thing from which it is made (as steel for sword ). 举隅法,提喻法:一种修辞方法,以局部代表整体(如用手 代表 水手 ),以整体代表局部(如用 法律 代表 警官 ),以特殊代表一般(如用 直柄剃刀 代表 杀人者 ),以一般代表特殊(如用 贼 代表 扒手 ),或用原材料代表用该材料制造的东西(如用 钢 代表 剑 ) 语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. alteration influenced by Latin synecdoch¶ 受 拉丁语 synecdoch¶的影响 3. of Middle English synodoches 中古英语 synodoches的变化 4. from Medieval Latin synodoche 源自 中世纪拉丁语 synodoche 5. alteration of Latin synecdoch¶ 拉丁语 synecdoch¶的变化 6. from Greek sunekdokh¶ 源自 希腊语 sunekdokh¶ 7. from sunekdekhesthai [to take on a share of] 源自 sunekdekhesthai [采纳一份…] 8. sun- [syn-] sun- [前缀,表“相同的”] 9. ekdekhesthai [to understand] ek- [out of] * see eghs dekhesthai [to take] * see dek- ekdekhesthai [理解] ek- [在…外] *参见 eghs dekhesthai [拿,取] *参见 dek- 继承用法:syn”ecdoch“ic AHD: [s¹n”µk-d¼k“¹k] 或 syn”ec.doch“i.cal [-¹-k…l] (形容词) |
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