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单词 syntagmatic
释义 syntagmatic  syn.tag.mat.ic  AHD:  [s¹n”t²g-m²t“¹k] D.J.  [7s!nt#g6m#t!k]K.K.  [7s!nt#g6m#t!k]adj.(形容词)Of or relating to the relationship between linguistic units in a construction or sequence, as between the (n) and adjacent sounds innot, ant,  and ton.  The identity of a linguistic unit within a language is described by a combination of its syntagmatic and its paradigmatic relations. 结构段的,语段的:语言单位在句法结构或顺序上有关系的或与其相关的,如not, ant 和 ton 中的(n)与相邻发音。语言中语言单位特性可描述为其句法结构与词形变化关系的组合 语源:1. French syntagmatique  French syntagmatique  2. from Greek suntagmatikos  [arranged, put in order] from Greek suntagmatikos  [arranged, put in order] 3. from suntagma   suntagmat- [arrangement, syntactic unit] * see  syntagma from suntagma   suntagmat- [arrangement, syntactic unit] *参见 syntagma




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