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单词 tabard
释义 tabard['tæbəd]n. 纹章战袍, 传令官制服, 粗布外衣 tabard  tab.ard  AHD:  [t²b“…rd] D.J.  [6t#b*d]K.K.  [6t#b*d]n.(名词)1. A short, heavy cape of coarse cloth formerly worn outdoors.粗布外衣:先前人们在室外穿的一种厚重的短粗布斗篷2. A tunic or capelike garment worn by a knight over his armor and emblazoned with his coat of arms.骑士短披风:骑士穿在盔甲外面并饰以纹章的制服式或披风式的衣服3. A similar garment worn by a herald and bearing his lord's coat of arms.传令官制服:传令官穿的类似服装,上面饰有其主人的纹章4. An embroidered pennant attached to a trumpet.附于小号上的刺绣三角旗语源:1. Middle English 中古英语 2. from Old French tabart 源自 古法语 tabart 3. or Old Spanish tabardo 或 古西班牙语 tabardo




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