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单词 tag
释义 tag[tæg]n. 标签, 附属物, 碎片, 结束语, 口头禅, 附加语, 浑名, 标记, 标记符vt. 附以签条, 尾随, 添饰, 起浑名, 连接vi. 紧紧跟随【计】 标记【化】 标记; 标签【医】 附属物, 签条【经】 标签 tag 1  tag 1  AHD:  [t²g] D.J.  [t#g]K.K.  [t#g]n.(名词)1. A strip of leather, paper, metal, or plastic attached to something or hung from a wearer's neck to identify, classify, or label:标签:附在某物上或挂在佩戴者脖子上以便证明身份、分类或标志的小块皮革、纸片、金属或塑料:sale tags on all coats and dresses.所有外衣和服装上的销售标签2. The plastic or metal tip at the end of a shoelace.包头:鞋带末端的塑料或金属尖头3. The contrastingly colored tip of an animal's tail.异色尾尖:动物尾巴上与其余部分颜色相异的末端4. Sports A bright piece of feather, floss, or tinsel surrounding the shank of the hook on a fishing fly.【体育运动】 钓钩上的羽毛,金属丝:围绕着钓钩柄部的一块颜色鲜艳的羽毛、绣花线或金属箔片5. A dirty, matted lock of wool.一撮纠结的羊毛:一绺脏的、纠结在一起的羊毛6. A loose lock of hair.一绺松散的头发7. A rag; a tatter.破布;破布条8. A small, loose fragment:片断:一小块疏松的断片:I heard only tags and snippets of what was being said.我只听到一些零零碎碎的话9. An ornamental flourish, especially at the end of a signature.花笔:尤指在签名末尾的装饰性的花笔10. A designation or an epithet, especially an unwelcome one:称呼,描述词:称呼或浑名,尤指一个不受欢迎的叫法:He did not take kindly to the tag of pauper.他可不喜欢别人叫他作穷光蛋11. A brief quotation used in a discourse to give it an air of erudition or authority:引句:谈话中使用的一句简短的引语,以便使谈话带有博学或权威的意味:Shakespearean tags.莎士比亚的引句12. A cliché, saw, or similar short, conventional idea used to embellish a discourse:陈腔滥调,格言:为了给所讲的话润色而使用的一句陈腐的套话、格言或相类似的简短而传统的观念:These tags of wit and wisdom bore me.这些了无新意的格言使我厌烦13. The refrain or last lines of a song or poem.末尾叠句:一首歌或一首诗的叠句或末尾几行14. The closing lines of a speech in a play; a cue.结束语:一场戏中一段台词的末尾几句话;结束语15. Computer Science A label assigned to identify data in memory.【计算机科学】 标记:用来辨认存储器中数据的标记16. Slang A graffito featuring a word or words, especially the author's name, rather than a picture:【俚语】 涂鸦:由一个或数个词而非图案胡乱画成的标志:“Instead of a cursive linear tag, Super Kool painted his name along the exterior of a subway car in huge block pink and yellow letters”(&b{Eric Scigliano})“苏帕·库尔没有把他的名字涂划成一根潦草的线条,而是用大块地粉红和黄色字体把它涂在了一节地铁车厢的外面”(埃里克·西格里亚诺)v.(动词)  tagged,tag.ging,tags及物动词)1. To label, identify, or recognize with or as if with a tag:加标签于,视为:用或仿佛用一个标签来标识、识别或认出:I tagged him as a loser.See Synonyms at &b{mark} &+{1}我认为他是一个失败者参见 mark12. To put a ticket on (a motor vehicle) for a traffic or parking violation.贴违章传票:固(一辆机动车)违反了交通或停车规定而在它上面贴传票3. To charge with a crime:起诉:指控…犯了某项罪:The suspect was tagged for arson.该嫌疑犯被控纵火4. To add as an appendage to:附加:将…作为一个附属物加上:tagged an extra paragraph on the letter.在信上又加了一段话5. To follow closely:紧跟:Excited children tagged the circus parade to the end of its route.兴奋的孩子们紧跟在马戏团游行队伍后面直到游行路线的终点6. To cut the tags from (sheep).剪去羊身上纠结的毛:把纠结在一起的脏毛从(绵羊)身上剪下来v.intr.(不及物动词)To follow after; accompany:跟在…后面;随从:tagged after me everywhere; insisted on tagging along.到处跟随;坚持跟随语源:1. Middle English tagge [dangling piece of cloth on a garment] 中古英语 tagge [一件衣服上悬吊的一片布] 2. [possibly of Scandinavian origin] [可能源于斯堪的纳维亚语]  tag 2  tag 2  AHD:  [t²g] D.J.  [t#g]K.K.  [t#g]n.(名词)1. Games A children's game in which one player pursues the others until he or she is able to touch one of them, who then in turn becomes the pursuer.【游戏】 追人游戏:小孩子们玩的一种游戏,由一个人去追其他人直到他或她能够碰到被追者中的一人,这名被碰上的人接着又开始追赶其他人2. Baseball The act of putting another player out by touching the player with the ball when he or she is not on base.【棒球】 触杀:当一名棒球队员不在垒上时以球触他或她,从而使该队员被杀出局的行为3. Sports The act of touching a player as a substitute for tackling in touch football.【体育运动】 触杀:通过触碰一名球员来代替触身式橄榄球擒抱摔倒动作的行为及物动词)  tagged,tag.ging,tags 1. To touch (another player) in the game of tag.在追人游戏中触碰(另一名参加游戏者)2. Baseball To touch (a runner) with the ball in order to put that player out.【棒球】 触杀:用球触碰(一名跑垒者)以使其被杀出局3. Sports To touch (the runner) as a substitute for tackling in touch football.【体育运动】 触杀:代替触身式橄榄球中的擒抱摔倒动作地触碰(奔跑者)常用词组:tag up 【棒球】  To return to and touch a base with one foot before running to the next base after a fielder has caught a fly ball.接杀:在一名外野手接住一个高飞球后在跑向下一垒前跑回,并用一只脚触击一垒语源:1. Perhaps variant of Scots tig [touch, tap] 可能为 苏格兰语 tig的变体 [触摸,拍击] 2. probably alteration of Middle English tek 可能为 中古英语 tek的变化  TAG  TAG  abbr.(略语)The Adjutant General.国民警卫队总指挥 tag-  派生:1. Important derivatives are: tact,tangent,tangible,taste,tax,attain,contact,intact,entire,integer,contaminate重要派生词为: tact,tangent,tangible,taste,tax,attain,contact,intact,entire,integer,contaminate2. To touch, handle.接触, 触摸.3. Nasalized form*ta-n-g- . tact , tangent , tangible , taste , tax ; attain , contact , intact , tactoreceptor , tangoreceptor , from Latin  tangere , to touch, with derivatives tax³re , to touch, assess (possibly a frequentative of tangere , but probably influenced by Greek  tassein , taxai , to arrange, assess), and t³ctus , touch. 鼻音化的形式*ta-n-g- . tact , tangent , tangible , taste , tax ; attain , contact , intact , tactoreceptor , tangoreceptor , 源自 拉丁语  tangere , 接触,触及, 和派生词 tax³re , 接触, 评价 (可能是 tangere 的反复动词, 但很可能受 希腊语  tassein 的影响, taxai , 安排, 评定), 和 t³ctus , 接触. 4. Compound form*&9{ö-tag-ro-} , “untouched, intact” ( *&9{ö-} , negative prefix; see ne ). entire , integer , integrate , integrity , from Latin  integer , intact, whole, complete, perfect, honest. 复合形式*&9{ö-tag-ro-} , “未触及的, 原封不动的” ( *&9{ö-} , 否定前缀; 参见 ne). entire , integer , integrate , integrity , 源自 拉丁语  integer , 完整的, 所有的, 完全的, 完美的, 诚实的. 5. Suffixed form*tag-smen- . contaminate , from Latin  cont³min³re , to corrupt by mixing or contact (N *con-t³men- , “bringing into contact with”; con- , com- , with; see kom ). 添加后缀的形式*tag-smen- . contaminate , 源自 拉丁语  cont³min³re , 通过搅拌使腐烂或接触 (N *con-t³men- , “与…取得联系”; con- , com- , 与; 参见 kom). 语源:Pokornytag-  1054. 波科尔尼tag-  1054.




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