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单词 taint
释义 taint[teint]n. 污点, 耻辱, 感染vt. 污染, 使腐败, 沾染, 腐蚀【医】 遗传素质, 腐败, 污斑 taint  taint  AHD:  [t³nt] D.J.  [te!nt]K.K.  [tent]v.(动词)  taint.ed,,taints及物动词)1. To affect with or as if with a disease.感染:使受疾病影响或仿佛受疾病影响2. To affect with decay or putrefaction; spoil.See Synonyms at contaminate 污染,腐败:使受腐败或腐烂物影响;使腐坏变质参见 contaminate3. To corrupt morally.堕落:在道德上败坏4. To affect with a tinge of something reprehensible.使染有不好的气味v.intr.(不及物动词)To become affected with decay or putrefaction; spoil.感染,腐败:变得使受腐败或腐烂物影响;腐坏n.(名词)1. A moral defect considered as a stain or spot.See Synonyms at stain 污点:被视为道德上污点的一个缺陷参见 stain2. An infecting touch, influence, or tinge.感染性的接触、影响或味道语源:1. Partly from obsolete taynt [to color, dye]  from Anglo-Norman teint [from past participle of] teindre  from Latin tingere 部分源自 废语 taynt [给…上色,染色]  源自 英法语 teint  [] 源自teindre的过去分词  源自 拉丁语 tingere 2. and partly from Middle English tainten [to convict]  from Old French ataint [past participle of] ataindre [to attain, touch upon] * see  attain 并且部分源自 中古英语 tainten [证实…有罪]  源自 古法语 ataint  [] ataindre的过去分词 [得到,触及] *参见 attain继承用法:taint“less  adj.(形容词)taint“lessly  adv.(副词)taint“lessness  n.(名词)




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