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单词 tally
释义 tally['tæli]n. 符木, 记账, 得分, 比分, 计数器, 标签, 符合, 对应物vt. 记录, 点数, 计算, 加标签于, 使符合vi. 记帐, 符合, 吻合, 记分【计】 计数【经】 帐, 记帐, 簿记表格 tally  AHD:  [t²l“¶] D.J.  [6t#li8]K.K.  [6t#li]n.(名词)  【复数】 tal.lies 1. A reckoning or score.测量,记数2. A stick on which notches are made to keep a count or score.符木:上面有用来记帐或记数的刻痕的木签3. A stick on which notches were formerly made to keep a record of amounts paid or owed.符木:过去在上面刻画以记录所付或所欠数目的木签4. A mark used in recording a number of acts or objects, most often in series of five, consisting of four vertical lines canceled diagonally or horizontally by a fifth line.计量单位:用来记录许多行为或物体的一种标记,一般以五个为一序列,由四根竖直的线被第五根线对角或水平地划过组成5. A label, ticket, or piece of metal or wood used for identification or classification, especially in gardens and greenhouses.标志牌:用来识别名称或分类的金属或木制的标签、小条或小块,尤指在花园和暖房里6. Something that is very similar or corresponds to something else; a double or counterpart.相似物对应物:和某一事物很相似或相应的某个事物;完全相似的事物或对等物7. Nautical A metal plate attached to a ship's machinery and bearing instructions for its use.【航海】 金属牌:附在一艘船的机构上的一块金属片,上有其使用说明v.(动词)  tal.lied,,tal.lies及物动词)1. To reckon or count.测量或计数2. To record by making a mark.通过做记号记录3. To label, as with a ticket, for identification or classification.加标签于:为识别或分类而给…加上标签(如用一张签条)4. To cause to correspond or agree.符合,吻合:使…与(另一事物)相应或吻合v.intr.(不及物动词)1. To be alike; correspond or agree:符合,吻合:相似、相对应或相吻合:The report tallies with your description of the accident.报导和你对该事故的描述相吻合2. To keep score.记下数目或计分语源:1. Middle English taly 中古英语 taly 2. from Anglo-Norman tallie 源自 英法语 tallie 3. from Medieval Latin tallia 源自 中世纪拉丁语 tallia 4. from Latin t³lea [stick] 源自 拉丁语 t³lea [小棍]




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