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单词 tangible
释义 tangible['tændʒəbl]n. 可触知的东西, 有形资产a. 可触摸的, 有实体的, 非相像的, 有形的, 明确的【经】 有形的, 确实的, 明确的 tangible  AHD:  [t²n“j…-b…l] D.J.  [6t#nd9*b*l]K.K.  [6t#nd9*b*l]adj.(形容词)1. Discernible by the touch; palpable:通过触摸可以感知的;可触知的:a tangible roughness of the skin.一摸即能感觉到皮肤的粗糙2. Possible to touch.有可能触到的3. Possible to be treated as fact; real or concrete:确实的,真实的:有可能被当作事实来对待的;真实的或具体的:tangible evidence.确凿的证据4. Possible to understand or realize:实际的:有可能被理解或实现的:the tangible benefits of the plan.该项计划带来的实际益处5. Law That can be valued monetarily:【法律】 有形的:能用钱币来计量其价值的:tangible property.有形财产n.(名词)1. Something palpable or concrete.可触知的或具体的某事物2. tangibles Material assets.tangibles 有形资产语源:1. Late Latin tangibilis 后期拉丁语 tangibilis 2. from Latin tangere [to touch] * see  tag- 源自 拉丁语 tangere [接触] *参见 tag- 继承用法:tan”gibil“ity  或  n.(名词)tan“gibleness  tan“gibly  adv.(副词)




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