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单词 Tanzania
释义 Tanzania[,tænzə'ni:ə]n. 坦桑尼亚 Tanzania  AHD:  [t²n”z…-n¶“…] 缩写 Tanz.D.J.  [7t#nz*6ni8*]K.K.  [7t#nz*6ni*]NONE(无词性)A country of east-central Africa on the Indian Ocean. Inhabited since prehistoric times, most of the region became a German protectorate in 1891 and passed to the British in 1920 as Tanganyika. Zanzibar, a narrow strip along the coast, was a British protectorate after 1890. Tanganyika achieved independence in 1961 and joined with Zanzibar in 1964 to form Tanzania. Dar es Salaam is the de facto capital and the largest city; Dodoma is the official capital. Population, 17,557,000.坦桑尼亚:非洲中东部一国家,位于印度洋沿岸。自史前时代就有人类居住,在1891年该地区大部分成为德国的保护国,在1920年又作为坦噶尼喀转由英国人控制。桑给巴尔是印度洋沿岸的一个狭长带状区域,在1890年后它成为一个英国的保护国。坦噶尼喀在1961年获得独立,在1964年与桑给巴尔合并形成坦桑尼亚。达累斯萨拉姆为事实上首都和最大的城市;多多马为正式首都。人口17,557,000继承用法:Tanza“nian  n.(名词)adj.(形容词)




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